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Wholesale Nike Seattle Seahawks Jerseys From China PEPFAR









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發表於 2017-2-17 02:52:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Health is currently in the process of installing PCR DNA testing equipment at the National Public Health Laboratory,Cheap Jerseys From China, while some members of the nursing staff are working with technical personnel and the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to build Guyana’s capacity for the testing of the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu).“Even as we speak right now, PCR DNA testing is being installed at the laboratory and we already have persons trained,” Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday.At the moment, Guyana cannot test for the H1N1 virus,Cheap Jerseys Store, although the laboratory was designed to take on such responsibilities.Minister Ramsammy explained that as long as there is the PCR DNA testing, it would expand the testing capacity.“We will always have to look at cost effectiveness,Cheap NFL Jerseys, because if you have to do two tests per year for something, there is no point in setting up equipment. So it might be more cost effective to send them out.”The Health Minister added that Guyana is hoping to develop a Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) capacity,Cheap Jerseys, which would enable the country to test for a number of viruses by next year.He added that if the H1N1 virus were to come to Guyana, it would affect large numbers; therefore developing capacity to test for the virus at the public health laboratory is important. With support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the public health laboratory opened in Guyana on July 3, 2008.The institute is expected to become a national and regional centre of excellence for laboratory standards and research in Guyana.The new equipment gives in-country health professionals the ability to test for resistant strains of TB and HIV that were previously elusive in other labs.Not only will this new facility allow the country to detect these once-obscure viruses, but it will also accelerate the pace at which HIV/AIDS is identified.As it relates to the H1N1 virus, one case was recently found in Cuba, but Minister Ramsammy noted that it relates to Mexico and that is why there is need to remain vigilant.At this time, the Ministry does not intend to stop anyone at the moment to travel to Guyana from Mexico but when they arrive in the country, they would be subjected to intrusive types of examination.“The fact is that the evidence is quite clear that whenever cases emerge, it is found that they are related to Mexico, so therefore we have to be vigilant of people coming from Mexico.” (Fareeza Haniff).

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