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發表於 2017-2-17 10:24:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Anthony Nester yesterday appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer to two counts of fraud charge.The first charge against him read that between April 1 and April 15,Bradley Beal Wizards Jersey,2016 at Campbellville,Juwan Howard Wizards Jersey, Georgetown,Klay Thompson Team USA Jersey, he incurred a debt of $260,824 at the Brandsville Hotel by falsely pretending that he had a valid credit card to pay for his expenses at the hotel,C.J. Watson Magic Jersey, knowing this to be false. The card bore the name Wilfred Bradford.It is also alleged that between August 15 and August 18,Christian Laettner Team USA Jersey, 2016,Marcin Gortat Wizards Jersey, at Campbellville Georgetown he once again incurred a debt of $66,Kobe Bryant Team USA Jersey,898,Tracy Mcgrady Raptors Jersey, at the Opus Hotel while pretending to have a valid credit card to pay for his expenses. The card belongs to Wilfred Bradford.The Trinidadian was represented by Attorney James Bond who told the court that his client is planning to get married on November 13 and that he is the owner of the Guyana School of Etiquette which would be launched soon.James Bond asked that bail be granted to his client at a reasonable sum and told the court that he is not a flight risk. Bond stated that is client is willing to lodge his passport at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to show the court that he will remain in the country and attend all his court hearing if granted bail.His attorney went on to tell the court that his client would have stayed at the Brandsville Hotel on previous occasions and never had an issued with his bill.Police Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves told the court that he objected to bail citing that the defendant is not a Guyanese and if granted bail it’s likely that he would not returned to the honourable court for trial.The 28-year-old who resides at Lot 187 Thomas Street,Stephen Curry Team USA Jersey, Kitty was refused bail and remanded to prison.He will make his next court appearance on November 18.

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