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發表於 2017-2-17 12:55:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It is now almost 11 months since Godfrey Marks of Lower Kara Kara,Travis Wood Cubs Jersey, Demerara River has been bedridden,Willie McGee Cardinals Jersey, unable to do even the most basic things for himself.Life for the 44-year-old chainsaw operator and logger took a dramatic turn on January 11, 2015, after he was allegedly attacked and shot by one of four bandits who barged into his home demanding cash and jewellery.The bullet broke one of his ribs and remains lodged in his spine.His son,Carl Yastrzemski Red Sox Jersey, Godrey (Jnr.) was gun-butted during the ordeal. The intruders reportedly escaped empty-handed.Father and son were rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex, but Mr. Marks had to be transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Marks recalled in a recent interview that he did not recognize the shooter,Tony Sanchez Blue Jays Jersey, but recognized one of the other men, whom he suspected to be the gang leader.Godfrey Marks and his son00“I recognize this other guy but he ain’t do me anything, he and another one go over at the neighbor.”He said police held a suspect but the man was later released.According to Marks, the doctor who tended to him in the GPHC said that he would need the services of a brain specialist to have the bullet removed from his spine.At present, the only means of financial support the Marks family receives is from one of his siblings.This is hard on his brother,Jim Palmer Orioles Jersey, who has his own family to maintain.His wife Suzanne cannot work,Bill Lee Red Sox Jersey, as she has to attend to him around the clock.“It is really hard because we have three children in school,Munenori Kawasaki Cubs Jersey, and we have to find money to take care of them, and I’m not working. I can’t do anything for myself.”Because of his bedridden state,Wilson Ramos Nationals Jersey, Suzanne Marks said that she has to always have items such as pampers in stock, an additional cost that the family could ill afford.But both Suzanne and Godfrey Marks said that they have faith that things will get better.They are appealing to public spirited citizens for assistance,Rick Porcello Red Sox Jersey, in whatever form.Anyone wishing to offer support can call Suzanne Marks on 699- 3351.

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