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發表於 2017-2-18 11:54:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– 255 civilians killed by police during the same period  The Guyana Police Force has given an account for 255 persons shot by its ranks over the past 15 years, while highlighting that 37 of its ranks were murdered by criminals during the same period.The Force in a release which sought to respond to an article published in another section of the print media, sought to justify these killings, linking most of them to a period when Guyana was in the throes of a mighty crime wave (2002-2006)The article that sparked the response was captioned “Granger: Police have killed 288 in 17 years”,Cheap Jerseys From China, in which the leader of the People’s National Congress/Reform,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Brigadier David Granger condemned the People’s Progressive Party/Civic administration, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Guyana Police for the deaths of over 288 persons in the past 17 years.According to Guyana Police Force records, between January 1997 to October 18, 2012,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 255 persons were fatally shot by the police under different circumstances.These circumstances range from:  Gang members exchanging gun fire with the police (Buxton/Agricola, drug trafficking and firearm gang) during which 43 persons were killed, and 49 persons were shot dead by the police during the commission of a serious crime.The force stated that 73 persons were killed by police in gun fire exchange with ranks in pursuit after the commissioning of a serious crime while eight Berbice bank robbers were also victims of police killings.The police statement did not account for the other 82 persons killed by the police during the period in question.The Force however pointed out that additionally, there were 103 incidents where the police shot persons and firearms were recovered.But these shootings are not a norm, as according to the police, the environment in which they were operating was a hostile one, particularly between 2002 and 2004.“Nevertheless, as a result of the shootings by the police, 10 officers were charged for murder and three for manslaughter,Cheap Baseball Jerseys,” the police statement said.The police referred to the 2002 jail break period which saw armed gangs killing persons wantonly, so much so that the Guyana Defence Force had to be called out to assist in quelling the hostile situation that existed.The police said that during this period,cheap nfl jerseys elite, not only civilians were killed; police were also killed in exchanges with armed bandits, and like the soldiers, police were injured too.“Over the 17 year period referred to by the PNC/Reform leader which taking the current year into account would have commenced in 1995,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, more than 37 police officers were killed by criminals.  Notably, 24 of these were between the period 2002 to 2004 when there was that hostile environment.”The force explained that the procedure to deal with all unnatural deaths that occurs within police premises or in police operations is that the police investigates and a file with all the evidence is then forwarded to the Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority who will make his comments.The file with those comments will then be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).The DPP then peruses the file to ascertain if sufficient evidence exists to institute criminal charges or not.In the case of the former, the police will be so advised and charges will be laid accordingly.In the latter case, the DPP will automatically advise that an inquest be held, and thereafter an inquest will be conducted to ascertain if anyone was responsible for the death of the deceased.“The policy of the police is to save life,NFL Jerseys From China, and deadly force should only be used as a matter of last resort.  However, if a life is lost there is an investigation and where necessary those culpable are sanctioned.”

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