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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys Radesh Motie









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發表於 2017-2-19 00:12:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has issued a wanted bulletin for US-based Guyanese, Marcus Brian Bisram,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who has been implicated in the murder of a carpenter,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Faiyaz Narinedatt.Interpol wanted bulletin for Marcus Brian BisramInterpol is the world’s largest police organization with over 190 member countries. Their role is to enable police around the world to work together to make the world a safer place.Bisram returned to the United States of America, shortly after the murder of the carpenter on November 1,Cheap NFL Jerseys Chinese, last.On Thursday last,CHeap Jerseys USA, Bisram, who is said to be the mastermind behind the murder of the carpenter,NFL Jerseys Chinese, was charged in his absence.A wanted bulletin was subsequently issued for him here in Guyana. Shortly after, the Interpol issued a wanted bulletin for the suspect.Bisram is 27 years old and his address in Guyana is listed as Lot 115 Section ‘A’ Number 70 Village Corentyne, Berbice; also the US based Bisram is the sixth person to be charged with murder.Last week,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, Radesh Motie; Diadath Datt; Harripaul Parsram and Niran Yacoob were remanded to prison when they appeared before Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan. Bisram along with his bodyguard, Orlando Dickie were subsequently charged with murder.The multi-millionaire, who is the founder of the Marcus Brian Bisram Foundation,Cheap Jerseys From China, is said to have donated $2M to a Berbice community policing group and recently pledged $200M annually to the needy in Berbice.It is alleged that Narinedatt was murdered between October 31 and November 1, last at Number 70 Village, Corentyne, Berbice.According to reports, on the day of the killing the overseas-based Guyanese hosted a party at his home, which Narinedatt and a few others attended. At some point Narinedatt went to the back of the yard to urinate. The overseas-based Guyanese allegedly followed Narinedatt and began making sexual advances towards him.Narinedatt slapped and pushed away the man.It was then the rejected man allegedly instructed his friends to kill Narinedatt. It was reported that the overseas-based Guyanese told his friends he would ensure they are not caught.Kaieteur News understands that several men beat Narinedatt at the businessman’s premises. He was then taken to a roadway and beaten until he fell into a drain. The men reportedly took the carpenter by vehicle to Number 70 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, where they dumped his body and drove over it with a car to make it appear like a road accident.

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