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發表於 2017-2-19 12:06:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– body abandoned at Diamond Diagnostic CentrePolice are trying to find out how a 28-year-old Kaneville, East Bank Demerara man ended up dead with a bullet in his back last Friday night.They are also trying to track down two other men who left the Diamond Diagnostic Centre hurriedly,Detroit Tigers Nick Castellanos Jersey, after bringing the mortally wounded victim there in a car.A police release stated that Shem Padmore, of Lot 940 Fourth Field, Kaneville,St. Louis Cardinals Kolten Wong Jersey, was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre at around 22.00hrs by two men who hurriedly left the medical facility in a motor vehicle.“Shem Padmore was pronounced dead on arrival at the Diagnostic Centre. A suspected bullet injury was seen to his back.”Police have no idea where the shooting occurred or the circumstances behind the incident.Miranda Dennis,Toronto Blue Jays Roy Halladay Jersey, the slain man’s reputed wife, said that Padmore left their Kaneville home at around 19.00 hrs, after she asked him to buy fish and chips from a vendor who lives about a corner from her residence.She said that shortly after midnight, police ranks came to her home and enquired about Padmore’s whereabouts.“I say that he gone on the road and they say that Shem Padmore get shoot and dead and he at Diamond Hospital.”Miranda Dennis said that by the time she arrived at the hospital, Padmore’s sister had already identified his body.Padmore and Dennis have a five-month-old son. He also has a daughter,Los Angeles Dodgers Kirk Gibson Jersey, aged about two,Toronto Blue Jays Dalton Pompey Jersey, from another relationship.Padmore’s reputed wife said that he was employed at Prittipaul Singh Investment Inc. and had last worked on Friday.She said she knew of no one who would have wanted to harm Padmore.In 2012, Padmore was charged in connection for allegedly stealing a Blackberry phone and $48,000 from a woman.The matter was subsequently dismissed after the victim indicated that she was compensated.Meanwhile,Toronto Blue Jays Aaron Sanchez Jersey, police said that at about 06.00hrs Friday,Toronto Blue Jays Drew Storen Jersey, the body of miner Charles Major, 57, of Victoria,Texas Rangers Cole Hamels Jersey, East Coast Demerara, was found along a trail at Dickman Hill,San Francisco Giants Dave Dravecky Jersey, Mahdia, with several lacerations.

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