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“President Donald Ramotar continues to show disregard for local democracy and the people of Guyana and for the constitutional right of Guyanese to elect their local Government authority,Johnny Pesky Red Sox Jersey,” said Alliance for Change Executive member Michael Carrington.This opinion was expressed at his party’s weekly press briefing yesterday, where he also opined that the president has failed to walk in the footsteps of his party’s founder leader Dr Cheddi Jagan who held local government elections two years after he had won the presidency.According to Carrington,Bryce Harper Nationals Jersey, the president in his 2011 election campaign at a meeting which was organized by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association had said if he won the 2011 elections,Tony Sanchez Blue Jays Jersey, he would hold local government elections in 2012.Carrington said that even though the president had admitted that there was “desperate” need for local government elections in our country, he has not fulfilled his platform promise.   However Carrington noted that “the time has come, gone and 2013 is almost finished and there is still no election”.“Parliament enacted legislation and caused the said laws to be violated by the Minister,Chris Carpenter Cardinals Jersey, by allowing the various Ministers of Local Government to table bills year after year to postpone the election” Carrington posited. He explained that GECOM holds the power to put all systems in place for the holding of these elections.But like the president,Javier Baez Cubs Jersey, Carrington said, “GECOM too seems not to care,Enos Slaughter Cardinals Jersey, since they never demand for the election to be held in accordance with law,Keith Hernandez Cardinals Jersey, but  just go to sleep when the Minister goes to Parliament”.“They totally forget that they are empowered by Act 10 of 1990 which has amended Section 36 of the Principle Act 28:03,Bobby Doerr Red Sox Jersey,” Carrington said. He explained that GECOM knows full well when the elections are slated or are to be held since all the information is on their website.He said that the four Local Government Bills which the President refuses to assent to have nothing to do with the holding of Local Government Elections,Kenley Jansen Dodgers Jersey, but are essential for a better and more democratic system of local governance.

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