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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys Chinese zj0tqosy









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發表於 2017-2-19 22:45:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Moves by Government to pay a five per cent increase to public servants were certainly not intended to halt salary negotiations with the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), said Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, on Friday.He was responding to media operatives during a press briefing at his Cornhill Street, Stabroek,cheap nfl jerseys elite, Georgetown office yesterday.Alluding to correspondence between the GPSU and the Public Service Ministry, the Minister said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “I think that the matter is continuing.”He said that Government had taken the initiative to pay the five per cent increase, which was retroactive from January 2012,NFL Jerseys From China, in recognition of the fact that the year was coming to an end.“We had budgeted money and we wanted to ensure that the workers got some payout before the year ends to enjoy the festive season and bring 2012 somewhat to a closure.”Nevertheless, Dr. Gopaul said that he is of the firm belief that the two bodies (Government and GPSU) will soon continue dialogue with a view to entering into a multi-year pay package.“We would like to see that happening and we are happy to see it happen with a view to peacefully working out a resolution to the issue.“The payout hasn’t brought the negotiations to an end; they are meeting and I am sure PSM has invited PSU to continue its meeting…” said Dr. Gopaul.According to him, recent tripartite talks had in fact touched on the issue of ‘Social Compact’ and “we are working on it. We have seen a draft and so if we are able to sign a ‘Social Compact’ it will bring about a greater degree of harmony in the industrial relations level and point the way forward where they will be resolved before dissatisfaction could be aired…We are targeting this for next year,” said Dr. Gopaul.This move, he said, is likely to see trade unions,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, the employers’ organisation and Government engaging in talks. Dr. Gopaul said that such an undertaking has been realised in Barbados which has a very successful programme in this regard. They have in fact modified their programmes about five times,Cheap Jerseys From China, he added.Trinidad,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, he said, too,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, has another model of this nature even as he noted that the International Labour Organisation has been playing a significant role in this regard.

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