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Cheap NFL Jerseys China Tusika Martin









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發表於 2017-2-20 11:04:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Tourism Minister Manniram Prashad yesterday said that he is not worried about the travel advisories that are being issued by many countries highlighting negative perceptions of Guyana.He told the media that every country issues travel advisories, and despite these, more and more visitors are arriving in Guyana.At present, the minister said, his ministry is ‘extremely’ positive about the image of Guyana, and is focusing on the successful hosting of Carifesta X, and more importantly, on the tourists that would be arriving here once the mega-event has been concluded.The minister made this comment during the launching of a special Carifesta X tour package to Kaieteur Falls.The package,Wholesale Jerseys China, which is being offered by Rainforest Tours,Cheap Jerseys From China, in collaboration with Air Services Limited,Wholesale Jerseys, offers visitors a one-day trip to Kaieteur Falls for US$180.The special domestic fare of $26,000 is still being offered to Guyanese who are desirous of visiting the falls,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but the rates are different for tourists.Speaking with the media yesterday, Rainforest Tours representative Frank Singh said that Air Services will be using its caravan, which can accommodate at least 14 persons per flight.Each day,Cheap Detroit Tigers Jersey Jerseys, visitors will be taken to the falls at 13:00 hrs and returned to the city at 16:30 hrs. This promotion will last for the 10 days during the hosting of Carifesta.The Ministry of Tourism and the Guyana Tourism Authority have been encouraging tour operators to come up with initiatives to promote Carifesta and to promote travel throughout Guyana during Carifesta.Minister Prashad yesterday said that there have been a number of enquires about the amount of subsidy that is being offered by Government to tour operators; but, according to him, ‘no subsidy’ is being given.He pointed out that the private sector is all about competition,Cheap Los Angeles Angels Jersey Jerseys, and such initiatives are welcomed by the ministry.Carifesta X, he added, is very important to Guyana, since it will define the country’s legacy.“We have in place at least one aircraft dedicated to visitors for Carifesta from August 22 to 31 to Kaieteur Falls.That is not to say that other aircraft will not be in place to work for Carifesta or other tour operators …We have a flight that is going there every Saturday morning…That has been booked up for months now,” Prashad said. Over the weekend, he added,Cheap Chicago Cubs Jersey Jerseys, Guyana will be featured at a Bird Fair in Rockland,Cheap Colorado Rockies Jersey Jerseys, England.“More interest is being generated throughout the world about Guyana,Cheap Philadelphia Phillies Jersey Jerseys,” Minister Prashad added.Last week, the ministry, in collaboration with GTA, hosted a series of seminars for taxi services, customer care providers, housekeepers and front desk management.The training of these personnel is being conducted at the Carnegie School of Home Economics and the Sophia Exhibition Site.Earlier in the year, Rainforest Tours launched its domestic specials to Kaieteur Falls, charging locals $26,000 per person to the falls. These trips depart Georgetown every Saturday morning and return in the evening. (Tusika Martin)

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