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[PS3] Wholesale Jerseys 2017 vbku414x









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發表於 2017-2-20 17:21:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The notion that “nothing good comes free” has been effectively shot down by a recent graduate of Queen’sElson LowCollege who has proven that once an individual is willing to look hard and diligently enough, good things that are free may not be out of reach.Elson Low, who graduated from the local high school last year, has since been accepted at Amherst College, one of the better learning institutions in the United States of America, with the aim of completing a Degree in Economics. The school located in Massachusetts is ranked as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the nation, and according to Low, he has been admitted to the prestigious school at no cost to him.In fact, the 19-year-old son of Sandra and Elton Brandon Low of Lamaha Gardens, Georgetown, revealed that not only is his tuition covered, but every possible cost associated with his edification is financed through a grant offered by the college.Even his vacation trips back home to Guyana are covered by the grant, Low revealed during an interview with this newspaper yesterday.He pointed out,Cheap China Jerseys, though, that while he was a hard worker and was able to secure good grades throughout his school life, his acceptance to the college was not limited to being a high achiever.In fact, the young man has been able to discover information that he is willing to share with any and all students who aspire to further their education at a quality university.“I always considered myself one of the students who was not going to attend any old university but only the best…So I tried to apply to the best…There are other students who could have gotten into these schools but some students just don’t know.”According to the young man, what he had discovered is crucial information that could benefit any student, especially those who are of the belief that their advanced learning could be hindered by the lack of finances.Low, who secured 11 Grade One and one Grade Two passes at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Examination and seven Grade Ones and two Grade Twos at the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination, said that he decided that he was determined to find a way to attend one of the better education institutions,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, despite the fact that his parents could not afford it. His determination saw him commencing some serious research online.“I basically looked at the different schools and their websites’ information and I started to compile a list of schools that were offering scholarships.”What he found was not only heartening but intriguing enough for him to push assiduously forward. He discovered that some of the top universities had over the years become so wealthy that they were able to stop offering mere scholarships to suitably qualified applicants, but instead they have switched to a grant system which allows for guaranteed aid to all students whose parents’ income fall within a specified bracket.This grant, Low explained,NFL Jerseys From China, is available to students regardless of their nationality.“Usually a scholarship is based on your grades,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, etc, but this grant system is guaranteed to applicants once they are accepted, regardless of if you are an American or not.”Only about 15 top schools are able to offer this grant as part of their efforts to compete amongst each other. In light of this, Low said that he decided to apply to eight of the 15 schools offering the grant and was accepted at Amherst College.He just recently completed his first semester and returned home to spend the Christmas holiday which was funded through the grant he received. The grant, he explained,Cheap Jerseys League, also offers accepted applicants a stipend, covers the cost of books and stationery and amounts to about US$55,000 annually.“I want our Guyanese students to really appreciate that these opportunities are out there, and this is really a chance to get into some of the best institutions in the world for free. There is no restriction to subject areas…you can study in any field,” he informed.However, the catch is that it may be difficult to gain acceptance as more people are becoming aware of the available grants. Low lamented the fact that he is one of the few Guyanese that have been able to take advantage of the grant.“As far as I know I am the only person from Guyana that has gotten into this. I’ve heard that there are about 20 students from Jamaica benefiting and of course this is a great disappointment, because there is nothing to suggest that Jamaican students are better than Guyanese students.”He expects that in the near future a few Guyanese graduates would seek to take advantage of the available grants, even as he alluded to the need for more guidance for students, pointing out that “there is not a lot of guidance…even I found it very difficult to find out about these schools. That to me is the main barrier for students.”Additionally, he pointed out that it would be helpful if there was a standard Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) programme in Guyana, since in order to be accepted at these schools, applicants must write the SAT in addition to completing the common application, writing an essay and other requirements. The process of application has a December 31 annual deadline, Low noted.And while he admits that he didn’t have the highest SAT marks,Cheap Jerseys, Low pointed out his acceptance was not merely linked to good grades, but rather the fact that the schools are known to accept people based on “you as an individual…on a holistic basis. They look at your extra-curricular activities, so students need not be discouraged if you are not the highest achiever.”Low, despite having a disability has been involved in a number of extra-curricular activities throughout his high school life including sports, debating, impromptu speaking and conferences, and was even a youth parliamentarian for one year. He is an avid writer of both fiction and non-fiction, an ability that has transcended to his new school life at Amherst College, where he has been writing a few articles for the school’s newspaper.“I am hoping to get a columnist job, but it is difficult….However, I am trying now that I better understand what they are looking for,” he revealed.And while he is yet to decide on a specific career, Low said that he plans to complete a masters degree in Economics before he returns to Guyana to offer his expertise, perhaps to the public service.

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