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發表於 2017-2-20 22:50:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government has begun talks with Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited (GTT) and its US parent company, ATN International (ATNI) to end the current monopoly on landline and international voice and data services.The development would come months after Guyana passed new legislations in theMinister Cathy Hughes greeted by the telecoms team on Friday.National Assembly to allow new players to compete in the telecommunications industry.According to the Ministry of Public Telecommunications, on Friday, discussions began with the stakeholders in preparation for the transition to a liberalized telecommunications sector.Leading the Government’s team was the Minister of Public Telecommunications, Catherine Hughes. She was accompanied by Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge,St. Louis Cardinals Willie McGee Jersey, and the Ministerial Advisors on ICT and Telecommunications.The GTT and ATNI’s team was led by GTT’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO),Los Angeles Dodgers Chase Utley Jersey, Justin Nedd,San Francisco Giants Deion Sanders Jersey, and ATNI’s Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs,Detroit Tigers Justin Verlander Jersey, Doug Minster. Also present were other company executives.According to the ministry, the discussions come on the heels of Guyana’s landmark telecommunications legislation which “is aimed at ending the exclusivity of fixed line, international voice and data services, and attracting investments to the ICT and telecommunications sector.” This will see increasing affordable internet access.The ministry said that Friday’s discussions were cordial, positive and productive,Chicago Cubs Ernie Banks Jersey, with both teams expecting the talks to conclude “as soon as possible” to their mutual satisfaction.In July, the Telecommunications (Amendment) Bill 15/2016 was passed after a tough debate in the National Assembly.In addition to opening the market to new players, there were amendments which allowed more powers to the subject minister, including determining which network is licensed to be operated, among other things.The purpose of the Telecommunication Bill was to effectively bring to an end a monopoly enjoyed by GTT in the telecommunication sector.The process to liberalize the telecoms sector began two administrations ago,Boston Red Sox Rick Porcello Jersey, but the legislations were left in limbo after objections by GTT and its US parent company over the fact that it had a standing, legal agreement in place with the Government of Guyana.Consumers have been demanding the rollout of faster internet.GTT has landed a fibre optic submarine cable but is only utilizing a fraction of it. There have been complaints of the sloth in rolling out new landline services in especially new housing schemes.GTT has said that its landline services are losing monies big time because of maintenance and infrastructural costs.The current Government, which came into office following early general elections last year, had vowed to ensure new companies enter the market to compete in not only landline services, but mobile and data.Permission was granted earlier this year for GTT and Digicel to launch the 4G service, which allows faster speeds on smart phones and the streaming of videos and voice calls.The new laws will allow for the establishment of a telecoms authority.Currently,San Francisco Giants Gaylord Perry Jersey, only GTT and Digicel Guyana offer mobile services. A number of applications are on file for telecoms licences for different services.In July, when the legislations were passed,St. Louis Cardinals Kolten Wong Jersey, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs,Boston Red Sox Bill Lee Jersey, Carl Greenidge, made it clear that other companies had applied and were being considered to ensure the local market offers a variety of services and benefits…including better mobile rates, landlines and a host of other internet – related services.Minister of Public Telecommunications Cathy Hughes had argued that Guyana had remained back in time despite the rapid development of technology in the world.

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