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發表於 2017-2-22 12:09:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sol Guyana held its customer appreciation function at the Pegasus Friday last, where valued customers and distinguished guests were invited to socialise.The function started with a video show of the Sol Service Station Network and a one-minute of silence for Haiti.Some of the invitees focusing their attention on a video showAccording to General Manager, Ken Figaro, in September 2009, Sol acquired Shell’s aviation businesses in Antigua, Barbados, British Virgin Islands (Tortola), St Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent and Suriname.Then on November 18, 2009, Sol signed an agreement with Shell to purchase Shell’s Retail,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, Commercial and Aviation businesses in the Dominican Republic.He said that was another step toward achieving Sol’s strategic objective of establishing a business presence in all of the countries and markets in the Caribbean.At the completion of that transaction, Sol would increase its service station network by 142 to a total of 458 sites. It will also increase its aviation assets at three airfields in Santo Domingo and its commercial sector by over 150 customers which represent a wide cross section of industries such as power, construction, distribution,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, metals, food,cheap nfl jerseys elite, beverage and agriculture.He further thanked the customers who have supported Sol.He explained the company Account Receivable (AR) Challenge Award (a debt collection competition among all markets in the SOL Group).Sol Guyana has won this award for the past two years and with three months to go before the end of the financial year; they are again leaders with a Year to Date average of 99.87 per cent efficiency in collecting debts on time.According to special invitee,Cheap Jerseys From China, Gerry Gouveia, Sol has brought standard to Guyana and has raised the bar higher for gas stations.He said that the private sector commission carried out a study with three economists from the University of Guyana to study the consequence of the global economic crisis in Guyana, and it revealed that while Guyana might have suffered in certain sectors,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the majority of us were really suffering because of our own inactions through lack of innovation, creativity,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, and passion to do business at a higher standard.He added that international standards are necessary for development in Guyana,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, since Sol Guyana is a good example of what quality and standard should be.

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