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By: Attorney Gail S. Seeram    Through this “Question & Answer” column,Arturo Vidal Jersey, our goal is to answer your immigration questions.  Many of you have questions on backlog time and eligibility – we seek to clarify these issues and more.  We appreciate your comments and questions.  If you have a question that you would like answered in this column,Alex Song Barcelona Jersey, please email: [email protected]Question #1:  My father was recently denied a ‘waiver of grounds of inadmissibility’ so he’s more or less placed on a 10-year ban. I don’t know what the reapplication process is like after the 10-year ban or what forms I have to fill out or documents I would need. Would you kindly point me in the right direction?Answer #1:      The 10-year ban may not be a result of the denial of the waiver.  The 10-year ban may have resulted from one of the following: (i) accumulated unlawful presence if he was in the U.S. illegally and returned to his native country,Dani Alves Barcelona Jersey, (ii) removal/deportation proceedings in the U.S. and he returned to Guyana voluntarily or involuntarily,Chile Jersey, or (iii) commit fraud or misrepresentation to gain an immigration benefit.The denial of the waiver could have been appealed to the Administrative Appeal Office in the U.S.  Another waiver could be submitted with greater evidence of hardship if another I-130 interview is scheduled at the Embassy through a pending family based petition.Question #2: My wife petitioned for me and my daughter and we are at the affidavit of support step in the process.  How long will it take for me and my daughter to get an interview date knowing that my wife is a permanent resident?Answer #2:    Currently,Eduardo Vargas Jersey, visas are being issued for petitions filed on or before August 22,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, 2010 for spouses and children under age 21 of a permanent resident.  An interview at the Embassy will be scheduled when a visa is available.Question #3:    I would like to know if a common law wife of 19 years would get to go with her kids aged 8 and 14 and common law husband for petition filed by the U.S. brother of common law husband.Answer #3:    In response to your question,Jose Pedro Fuenzalida Jersey, you need to be legally married for common law wife to benefit from the visa petition.  While petition pending,Edgar Ie Barcelona Jersey, you all should marry and advise the petitioner to notify immigration of the marriage by sending the marriage certificate.  Under F4 preference category (filed by brother/sister of U.S. citizen) marriage would not change the processing time of the pending petition.Question #4:    I am a green card holder in USA.  I got married last year. My  wife is in India.  She doesn’t have any visa.  She tried for student visa twice,Marc Bartra Barcelona Jersey, but she was rejected both the times.  Which visa should she apply for?  What would be the easiest way to bring my wife to USA?Answer #4:    You as a permanent resident should apply and it takes two years processing time for her to get the immigrant visa (green card).

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