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發表於 2017-2-24 12:44:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene has acknowledged that providing security for the upcoming CARIFESTA is a big challenge for the Guyana Police Force.However, the ‘Top Cop’ says he is confident that his organization would rise to the challenge in the same way they dumfounded their critics during Cricket World Cup 2007.The commissioner made the remarks at the end of the police route march two Saturdays ago at the Tactical Services Drill Square to commemorate the Force’s 169th anniversary.“I know you will rise to the challenge, I know you are preparing your minds for a long haul during the CARIFESTA period. I know you will give of your best, and I alert you now to the fact that we have a period ahead of us where we have to show the world and the Caribbean that we can provide security for people while they are in this country,” Greene told his ranks at the end of the parade.Recent utterances and events have raised concerns about the security of the event.The main opposition PNCR had threatened to make the event unmanageable,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and some of its supporters had attempted to disrupt the launching earlier this year.This was followed by an attack on the Ministry of Culture,Cheap Jerseys From China, Youth and Sport, during which there was an attempt to burn the Main Street offices down.No one has claimed responsibility for the incident,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, which was seen as a direct attempt to affect the hosting of CARIFESTA.Many have opined that the non-capture of Guyana’s most wanted man, Rondell Rawlins, called ‘Fine Man,’ and some members of his gang,Cheap NFL Jerseys, coupled with the escape of notorious multiple-murder accused Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles, have caused the situation to not look too well for a violence- free event.“Our operations to interdict criminal elements continue. Our operations to deal with those persons who want to make life difficult and unsavoury for other people continue,” Greene stated,NFL Jerseys From China, adding that the Guyana Police Force will not cease to work with the other security agencies to ensure that peace and tranquility reign over Guyana.Meanwhile, Chairman of the CARIFESTA Committee on Security, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, told this newspaper yesterday that most of the security measures to ensure the proper hosting of CARIFESTA have been put in place.He said that this was done at a meeting last Saturday,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, and only some fine-tuning is left to be completed.The minister noted that some simulation exercises have been planned to augment the fine-tuning of the security plans.According to Rohee,cheap nfl jerseys elite, some of the successful aspects of the CWC 2007 Security Plan have been fitted into the CARIFESTA programme.

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