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發表於 2017-2-24 13:19:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Police Force is moving to interdict some of its ranks following the escape of notorious prisoner Jermaine ‘Skinny’ Charles from the Sparendaam Police Station.Speaking at a news conference yesterday, Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene said that investigations have revealed that there was gross negligence on the part of supervising ranks at the station. Charles escaped from the lock-ups on Wednesday after he had made an appearance at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court where a Preliminary Inquiry was being conducted into the slaying of former Agriculture Minister Satyadeow Sawh, his two siblings and security guard.According to Greene, it has so far been determined that a board in the lock-ups was loose for about one month now and this was reported to the station sergeant.The Acting Commissioner stated that the Station Sergeant took no action to remedy the situation. “It would appear, also, that Inspectors in charge of the escorts paid no attention to the high profile prisoners in the lock-ups,” Greene told the media.But the Top Cop did point to the fact that intelligence had suggested that there was a plan to help Charles escape.Greene said that it appears that he may have been assisted by relatives who were around the station at the time.“Intelligence sources have indicated that efforts were being made by family members to acquire a firearm to aid his escape from authorities,” the Acting Police Commissioner said.He explained that there are also reports that the prisoner had communicated by the wave of hand to persons in a car that was parked in the vicinity of the station.However, he maintained that despite this intelligence there were adequate security arrangements to ensure the prisoner was not an escape risk.Recounting the sequence of events that led to the incident, Greene explained that at around 10:00 hours on Wednesday, 33 prisoners,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, including the high-profile Charles and David Leander,NFL Jerseys From China, called ‘Biscuit’,Cheap Jerseys League, were escorted from the Georgetown Prison to the Sparendaam Police Station.The police have an order that high profile prisoners must be escorted by the Tactical Services Unit (TSU). These prisoners were in a secure prison van.The prisoners were escorted by a traffic escort,Cheap China Jerseys, a TSU escort under Inspector Adams and an East Coast Demerara Division police escort under Inspector Williams.According to the police,Cheap Jerseys, the prisoners were handcuffed to each other. However, there were no shackles as the police on the East Coast could not account for those that had been previously used.The prisoners arrived at the station at 11:00 hours and were initially placed into the two lock-ups there, following which they were taken in batches to court.Kaieteur News understands that the high profile prisoners were among six murder accused who were placed into one of the cells apart from the others.Both Charles and Leander were taken out of the lock-ups at about 11:30 hours for court and taken back to the lock-ups. They remained there to await the magistrate’s signature of the warrants without which they cannot be accommodated at the Georgetown Prison.“It must be noted that if the warrants had been signed in a timely manner, the prisoners would have been returned to the Georgetown Prison earlier,” the Acting Commissioner asserted.He said that he has personally spoken with the presiding magistrate and will be contacting Acting Chancellor Carl Singh with a view to having warrants for high profile prisoners treated expeditiously after court appearances. The police at the Sparendaam Police Station subsequently received the warrants at around 15:30 hours and made ready to move the prisoners.Upon approaching the lock-ups,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the escort team along with the Station Sergeant discovered that Charles had escaped.“…It would appear that the prisoners were left unsupervised and no one visited the lock-ups. During this time the two wooden boards between the lock-ups door and the concrete floor of the cell were lifted and Jermaine Charles called ‘Skinny’ used a seven-inch by two and a half feet opening to escape from the lock-ups,” Greene said.According to standard operating procedure, prisoners in the lock ups are supposed to be checked on every 30 minutes. Divisional Commander Leroy Brummel who was also at the press conference indicated that a subordinate officer is supposed to visit the stations at least once a month while the Commander is to check at least two times per year.He indicated that he had visited the station as recent as last week and was not aware of any problems with the lock-ups.According to Greene, there is evidence that the boards were loose long before the day of the escape. The police reported hearing no activity that suggested that the prisoner was trying to break out.Greene stated, however, that there is so far no evidence to indicate that there was collusion on the part of the ranks.He added that immediately after the escape family members of the prisoner were sought but they seem to have since abandoned their homes.He conceded that Charles may have links to another notorious criminal, Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins, who is current being hunted by the security forces. A similar manhunt has been launched for Charles, who is considered by the police as a murderous criminal.“The police force wishes to remind all members of the public and family members of Jermaine Charles that it is an offence to harbour any person wanted by the police. The police force calls on all family members and civic minded persons not to shelter this fugitive from justice but to hand him over to the authorities as soon as possible,” the Acting Police Commissioner said.

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