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Wholesale Nike Dallas Cowboys Jerseys From China every time the Army came out









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發表於 2017-2-24 18:17:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Latoya GilesPresident Donald Ramotar has issued a stern warning to the Guyana DefencePresident Donald Ramotar taking the salute yesterdayForce to ensure that it gets value for every penny that it spends.“After all we must be conscious that we still have many poor people in this country and we have to find resources to empower them to get them out of poverty,” the president said in his inaugural address to GDF officers as Commander in Chief of the armed forces.The occasion was the annual officers’ conference which was held at Army Headquarters,Cheap Jerseys, Camp Ayanganna.The Head of State further said that ranks must always be careful how they treat with what they have.  “Never again should the army lose 30 AKs, some of which are still out there,” the President said.The President maintained that over the last five years Guyana has experienced political stability and better relations with its neighbours. This according to the head of state played no small part in the growth of our economy.Very important, the President said, was the security which the Guyana Defence Force helped to provide,Cheap Milwaukee Brewers Jersey Jerseys, making specific reference to the 2002-2008 crime wave.He said that during that period,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, every time the Army came out, a sense of growing confidence was felt by the public.This he said shows that the people have confidence in the GDF.  “They feel certain that you will always uphold our democracy and defend the freedom that we enjoy,” the President stated.The Commander-in-Chief said that he knows that the army will be asking for more resources to re-capitalize and to add to its capital stock.He admitted that since 1992, very much was done in recapitalizing. The Head-of-State gave the officers his assurance that he is willing and ready to do more in strengthening the Army.  “That of course will depend on the growth of our economy.”He also spoke of the personal development of the officers and ranks of the Guyana Defence Force.“In the ranks we must be ready to support initiatives to raise the educational standard to a minimum of secondary education.”He said that the army must provide life skills training so that soldiers can have skills that the society needs when they would haveretired from the institution. Further he said that the army must also concern themselves with the welfare of their soldiers to see what measures can be taken in the area of housing.According to him officers must be aware that their juniors “look up to you and therefore leadership by example becomes vital. GDF Officers must be upright and have unquestionable integrity and character.”The Guyanese leader said that the Officers’Conference was being held at an important time when many changes in the role of the military are occurring nationally and internationally.The President delivered the keynote address at the conference, which was held at Base Camp Ayanganna, under the Theme “Consolidating Our TransformationCommander in Chief Donald Ramotar flanked by high ranking army officials as the annual officers conference opened yesterdayProcess to Enhance National Defence and Security”.The Head-of-State said that officers are fully aware that security is one of the most important factors for the social and economic development of a country.As society develops the challenges in this field become greater, the President noted.Traditionally, he said, the military was fundamentally concerned with securing the borders of a country and this role has not changed.“Indeed it has remained the principal and fundamental duty of the military in our country for it is the main responsibility of the Guyana Defence Force,” the Head- of-State posited.Notwithstanding that, the President said that he cannot ignore the fact that as society develops,Cheap Los Angeles Angels Jersey Jerseys, weapons available to criminals become more sophisticated, and communications is not only available to the Disciplined Forces but also to elements involved in criminal enterprises.As talks continue about globalization, the Head-of-state said that he can mostly refer to the growing integration of the world’s economy.“While improved transportation and communications have had mostly positive impact in the world, it is also true that it has now become global with global links and greater sophistication,Wholesale Jerseys China,” the President noted.He highlighted that one of the major concerns of Guyana is drug trafficking, which is also a scourge globally.President Ramotar explained that recognizing it at this level, suggests that there is a need for a global approach to fighting this problem.In this regard,Cheap Boston Red Sox Jersey Jerseys, he said that the GDF’s links with other military is extremely important.  Firstly, the links with regional forces and with the US and others in South America is vital.Diplomatic FrontThe Guyanese leader further told the officers that the Government is working hard on the diplomatic front to secure the country.He explained that successive administrations have worked overtime in strengthening and enabling relationships with our neighbours, CARICOM and further afield and he as President,Cheap Detroit Tigers Jersey Jerseys, will continue to do the same.He was confident that Guyana’s relations with Venezuela remain “sound”.With respect to Brazil,Cheap Chicago White sox Jersey Jerseys, he said that Guyana has good relations with its Portuguese-speaking neighbour to the south.After all, he said Brazil offers immense possibilities since it has just surpassed the United Kingdom to become the sixth largest economy in the world.And Guyana’s geographical location could serve to facilitate these relations and help to improve CARICOM/South America cooperation.Meanwhile, Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force,Cheap Houston Astros Jersey Jerseys, Commodore Gary Best in his address said that as a nation there will be challenges in a national educational sector. He said that these challenges are being addressed likewise. Best said that the GDF responded and partially launched an academic education programme for its ranks. This programme enables them to complete their secondary education, he explained.The Chief-of-Staff said that he has no doubt whatsoever that the officers of the Guyana Defence Force are committed to the defence and security of the nation.“We are professional officers and we continue to be loyal to the government of the day, we are dutiful officers and we understand the significance of where we are now as a nation, and we are patriotic and therefore understand the importance of service to this nation,” Best told the officers.

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