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The Boa Vista, Roraima Convention & Visitors Bureau,cheap nfl jerseys elite, in collaboration with the Tourism & Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) and in partnership with the Government of Guyana and the State of Roraima,NFL Jerseys From China, will host the first Tourism Meeting of the Three Nations- Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela on June 28, 2012.The Meeting is the result of an initiative taken by the President of THAG,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, Mr. Paul Stephenson, and Director of THAG, Colin Edwards and Mr Magno Silva, Roraima Adventures.The meeting will be attended by the Governor of the State of Roraima, Mr. Jose Anchieta Junior.  The Guyana delegation will be led by the Minister Irfaan Ali,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce (a.g.) and will include Mr Daniel Gajie; President of THAG (a.g.),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Mr. Kit Nascimento, Mr Colin Edwards,Cheap NFL Jerseys,  and Mr  Sydney Allicock; Directors of THAG, Ms. Treina F. Butts; Executive Director of THAG, Mr Indranauth Haralsingh; Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority, Members of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG), staff of the Ministry of Tourism and the Guyana Tourism Authority.Guyana will be represented by a delegation of 40 participants comprising public and private Sector interests in the tourism, local aviation and business sector of Guyana.Nineteen representatives of the Bolivar Tourism Association comprising tour operators and accommodation service providers will participate in the event.Among the topics to be discussed are security, customs, passport and visas, border transit vehicles to transport tourists,Cheap Jerseys From China, tourism activities in indigenous communities. Upon conclusion of the meeting, tourism operators in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela, will participate in a Business Roundtable.This inaugural meeting will conclude with the development of a work programme that will seek to accomplish those activities in anticipation of the hosting of the second conference of the three nations.This will be an opportunity to promote the tourism products of the region, to encourage the increased length of stay and average spending of tourists in regional market, expand the product offering for operators involved in the three countries and promote the region as a destination for foreign markets.The meeting is indicative of the continued efforts by the three countries to market and develop the destinations along the South American Coast and creates the opportunity for the Association’s membership to understand the logistical and regulatory framework within the varying destinations as well as to develop meaningful partnerships and packages.Over the years, Guyana  has  marketed  itself as  the  “Gateway to  the  Amazon”,  this   in  effect  will  afford  Caribbean and  North American  visitors alternatives for  selection  when  choosing  their  next  travel  destination. Our partnership can be further facilitated through the development of packages for travellers.

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