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發表於 2017-2-25 15:00:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The first ever Award in Guyana directed at a company for its performances as it relates to its annual report is underway.The Ram and McRae initiative which coincides with that entity’s 25th Anniversary views the Annual Reports of 18 of Guyana’s leading Businesses and the winner will be announced on Saturday July 31 at the Marian Academy.Some of the companies competing for the award include Banks DIH Limited,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Caribbean Container Inc., Citizens Bank Guyana Inc., Demerara Bank Limited, Demerara Distillers LimitedDemerara Tobacco Company Limited,Aaron Ekblad Team North America Jersey, Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited,Alexander Steen Jersey, Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association Limited Guyana Stockfeeds Inc. and Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Assurance Company Ltd J.P. Santos and Company Limited among others.The panel of Judges, described as independent of Ram and McRae, includes its Chairman Quincy Bourne,Teuvo Teravainen Jersey, Paul Chan-a-Sue, FCCA, Patrick Dyal,Jonas Brodin Jersey, AA; Nigel Niles,Neal Broten Jersey, LLB, LEC and Roubinder Rambarran, MBA.The criterion was developed by the Committee with the firm of Ram and McRae providing support resources and adoptedA two-stage judging system was developed whereby an initial review would be used to shortlist the top four reports for a more intensive review.The criterion includes accessibility and timeliness of reporting,Patrick Sharp Jersey, adequacy of discussion and analysis, compliance with accounting standards, compliance with regulatory requirements, corporate governance disclosures,Trevor Daley Jersey, physical appearance as well as social responsibility and sustainability comments.Niles,Johnny Oduya Jersey, who was on hand at a press briefing, yesterday, said that while it is a tedious task they are confident that they will be able to make the necessary comparisons to adjudicate.Rakesh Latchana in explaining the initiative said that it was the first such in Guyana and possible the region and is aimed at having companies prepare better Annual Reports.Christopher Ram explained that the report that is presented each year is one of the most important documents in that it has to conform with the laws.He said that shareholders depend on this report more that what it said by Chair persons in their reports.

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