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發表於 2017-2-25 22:19:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The new Government has finally broken its silence about the future of Winston Brassington, who spearheaded several controversial deals and projects under consecutive People’s Progressive Party/Civic Governments.No Confidence In You: Winston Brassington during a media tour in Marriott Hotel earlier this year.Yesterday, Minister of State,wholesale nfl jerseys, Joseph Harmon,jerseys cheap nfl, made it clear that Brassington would never enjoy the confidence of the administration.The Minister was being questioned about his Government’s stance on Brassington who has been facing increasing calls for his removal but has refused to budge.It was widely expected that Brassington, who heads up the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), would have been among the first head to roll when the new Government took office.Harmon said that the executive was holding on,cheap nfl jerseys elite, handing over his responsibilities before being let go.In addition to NICIL, which handles Government’s investments,wholesale jerseys, Brassington heads up Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI), the Government-owned company that controls the US$50M-plus Marriott Hotel in Kingston.He also sits as Chairman of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) Board. He would have been a key figure in the negotiations of the US$900M Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project, which would have been the country’s most expensive infrastructural project ever.Brassington also oversaw the construction of the Berbice River Bridge which although built largely by taxpayers’ monies, has fallen in the hands of private businesses.The coalition Government, while in Opposition,cheap jerseys, had been highly critical of the executive, questioning the financing structure of several transactions.He would have been in charge of selling the iconic Duke Lodge and an adjoining building in Kingston for what was considered below the market value.Brassington was tightlipped where the monies came from for the Marriott Hotel and the little information he volunteered, under the guidance of the former administration, had deeply angered the Opposition which was suspicious of the entire project.Under Brassington’s watch also, billions of taxpayers’ dollars from several state-owned companies were withheld from the Consolidated Fund, the account in which all revenues are held.He would have helped spend those billions of dollars without the oversight of the National Assembly, another source of contention for the then Opposition, Harmon said.Meanwhile, on the future of the Marriott Hotel,nfl jerseys china, Minister Harmon said that it is not the intention of the new Government to compete in the hotel industry…a business he says that should be privately run.The Cabinet of Ministers has been contemplating the future of the hotel with an audit underway to determine how monies were spent.Based on the audit and other considerations, Government will decide on the way forward. It will not include holding on to the shares, he said.Minister Harmon called for patience,cheap jerseys from china, noting that things are happening.

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