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發表於 2017-2-25 23:38:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Georgetown, Linden proposals rejected by councillors By Rehanna Ramsay Lack of consensus resulted in the rejection of the 2014 budget proposals for both the Linden Town Council and the Georgetown City Council.The rejection came yesterday when representatives of the various municipalities presented their budget proposals to the Junior Minister of Local Government Minister, Norman Whittaker.Minister of Local Government Norman Whittaker flanked by representatives of the six Municipalities.While, Georgetown Mayor and City Council’s (M&CC) Finance Committee Chairman, Junior Garrett; explained that the Mayor and several councillors have demonstrated discontent with the proposal, the presentation by Linden’s Town Clerk, Jonellor Bowen, was comprehensive and to the point.“The Linden municipality budget is being submitted with a proposed total of $ 115,446,663, an increase of $11,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 027 045 …We have considered an increase in number properties to be valued via the valuation process.An increase in the percentage of taxes in the rates and taxes paid …we speak specifically of defaulters and the renting of equipment. The 2014 subvention proposal would include roads to be patched at $3 million… and works to be done drains and culverts at a total $ 4 million, rehabilitation vehicles of $1 million and maintenance of the cemetery $1 million …and purchase of radio sets $1 million accumulated total of $10 million.”The Linden municipality budget for 2013 was approved at the sum of $104,419,618.  Minister Whittaker later explained that members of Linden Town Council refused to cooperate in the process of producing,NFL Jerseys From China, the new budget proposal.“Several councillors at the Linden municipality were not interested in the council budget but only in the Kara Kara Road toll as a result, a few staff worked with Town Clerk to have the budget proposal ready for today.”In contrast, Garrett did not present a proposed amount for the upcoming year to the Minister.However,Cheap Jerseys From China, Garrett told the gathering yesterday it was felt by the Mayor that the budget should include items of the rating appeal panel Georgetown development plan, salaries of councillors the increase of councilor’s stipend and gratuity … which he (Garrett) believes has no basis for which the budget proposal could be rejected.On Thursday, the Finance committee chairman and his team presented a budget proposal of $2,055,467,116, which was rejected by the MCC.“It does not have any bearing on the statutory requirement.” Garrett reiterated.Councillors of  Georgetown had advised that the 2014 budget proposed by Garrett and his team, be reexamined.“Among other objections to the proposed budget last Thursday concerns were raised by the Mayor in relations, to ratings appeals panel since it addresses ensuring citizens’ redress and the non-payment of taxes.”Yesterday, Minister Whittaker challenged that the municipalities go after defaulting taxpayers.“We have noted that your primary source of collecting revenue is via market rates and taxes… I would like to encourage you to find ways to go after defaulting ratepayers … place more emphasis on them,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, reach out to them and in some cases work out possible payment plans,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” he addedWhittaker recommended that the Town Clerk submit a written account of the objections made by the Mayor and councillors for the anticipated budget.“His worship cannot ask to include in the budget things that ought not to be the budget and the town clerk should submit a written account of what transpired. We will take from there,” the Minister noted.As required under Section 153 and 155 of the Municipal and District Council s Act, representatives of the Anna Regina,cheap nfl jerseys elite, Rose Hall, Corriverton and New Amsterdam Town Councils presented the estimates for the upcoming year that were approved by their respective Councils.The Anna Regina’s budget for 2014 is estimated at $ 101,291,118, Rose Hall’s Municipal budget is estimated at $ 42,194 535, an increase of 14.4 per cent over last year,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, Corriverton has a proposed budget of $71,417,600 and New Amsterdam has the largest budget projection in Berbice at  $ 130 815 557.

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