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發表於 2017-2-26 15:51:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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International recording artiste Eddy Grant and the Caribbean’s top Caribbean SecondaryAward Winners: International recording artiste Eddy Grant and Caribbean’s top CSEC student,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey, Elisa Hamilton at the dinner.Education Certificate (CSEC) student, Elisa Hamilton,Allen Craig Red Sox Jersey, were among the outstanding persons honoured at the recently held inaugural African Business Awards Dinner.The awards Dinner was held at the Herdmanston Lodge located on Peter Rose and Lamaha Streets in Georgetown.Hamilton,Hines Ward Steelers Jersey UK, the Queen’s College student who made headlines earlier this year when she secured 19 Grade Ones and 1 Grade Two, was honoured as the Outstanding Youth of the Year. She received cash awards from Eric Phillips of the African Business Expo and Alliance for Change’s Nigel Hughes.The outstanding 16-year-old also copped a one week trip to Miami to visit Disney World Epcot Center. By way of public statement,Kerim Mrabti Sweden Jersey, the African Business Expo said that several members of the audience also pledged support for Elisa’s dream to become a doctor.Grant, currently celebrating 50 years in the music business,Rafael Marquez Mexico Jersey, was conferred with the African Business Expo’s Lifetime Achievement Award. The national and international icon was also the keynote speaker for the event.The Heritage Business Award was given to Victoria Village, Guyana’s oldest community. Earlier this year Victoria also celebrated its 175th anniversary. This award was also bestowed upon Nigel Johnson of Nigel’s Supermarket; Rockcliff Christie of Little Rock in Berbice; Asafa George of W&T George; Wilfred Bransford of Car Care; Lennox John of Ashmins; and Lloyd Austin of Austin’s Book Store.The Outstanding Businesses Award of 2014 were given to Terrence Campbell of CAMEX Restaurant and Shawn Hopkinson of Hopkinson Mining.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Small Business Bureau,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, Derrick Cummings and Chairman of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission,Toronto Blue Jays Jose Bautista Jersey, Clinton Williams were named Male Business Executives of 2014 while General Manager of the Lottery Company,Sammie Coates Steelers Jersey, Tracey Lewis and Country Manager of the Guyana Gold Fields Inc.,Justin Upton Orioles Jersey, Violet Smith were conferred as the Female Business Executives of 2014.Leading geotechnical engineer Charles Ceres won the title of Professional of the Year.August 2015 will see the first African Business Expo. The event is expected to have companies from Guyana and CARICOM nations as well as the country’s South American neighbours Brazil and Venezuela.

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