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發表於 2017-2-26 16:13:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– dubs remark as “dangerous, irresponsible scaremongering” Emphasising the notion that “scare tactics is the product of a diseased and uneasy mind,” A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) yesterday slammed remarks made by Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali, which suggested that the parliamentary opposition is working in collusion to destroy the country.Ali was at the time speaking at a PPP press conference on Monday, during which time he noted that the approach being embraced by the opposition is one that is akin to a “political blockade that is being developed against this Government and against the infrastructure of this country.”It is Ali’s view that there is currently a “comprehensive understanding” among the members of the opposition to block development,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, economic advancement and financial reforms, all aimed at seeing the Government fail.“They want to see the Government fall; they want to make governance impossible and they want to see the economic gains stalemated.”The Minister, who also oversees the Tourism Ministry, described unsupportive tactics portrayed by the opposition as “psychological warfare” aimed at developing a sense of frustration and withdrawal syndrome among the populace, thereby allowing the opposition “to score cheap political points.”Ali’s assertions were forthcoming even as efforts were made to denounce moves by the Alliance for Change (AFC) to withhold its support for Government’s Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill. And as he slammed the declaration of AFC Leader,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Khemraj Ramjattan, that Finance Minister,NFL Jerseys Paypal, Dr Ashni Singh,Wholesale Jerseys, is a “hypocrite” for expressing anger and shock at the AFC’s decision, Ali warned that the onus is now on the entire Guyanese society to guard against political pettiness.Although APNU has not indicated plans to withhold its support for the Bill,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, it has questioned the Government’s rush to have it passed.According to Ali,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, the society must not only guard against the uncooperative strategy, but it must seek to recognise that moves are being made by the opposition to generate enough energy around what he dubbed a “sinister plan” to destroy the country.But according to APNU, there is a clear impression that the “sinister plan” only exists in the head of the Minister. As such, it is demanding that Ali “produce evidence to support his claim.And should the Minister be unable to produce such evidence, APNU said, “we demand an immediate withdrawal of the statement.”According to the party, it not only strongly condemns the reckless and irresponsible remarks of the Minister,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but it sees “this type of rhetoric as dangerous, irresponsible scare-mongering, which needs to be roundly condemned by all right thinking Guyanese.”

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