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發表於 2017-2-26 20:11:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Partnership for National Unity Political Movement on Wednesday took its election campaign Rally to the West Coast of Berbice where another massive crowd gathered.A positive Presidential Candidate David Granger first congratulated the West Berbicians for their massive support and stated that “your overwhelming support is telling me,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, is telling APNU, is telling Guyana is telling the world that the Guyanese people can’t take more of the PPP thieving, corruption, skullduggery and wrongdoing and we will vote them out.  The PPP is in panic mode at the moment and we must vote them out. Guyana should not go back to those dark days and should reverse the curse of the PPP and Vote for a government of national unity.”A section of the crowd at APNU’S West Coast Berbice rally.He then asked the massive and responsive crowd a series of questions. “Have you had enough of destruction, school dropouts, corruption, deception, high cost of living, black out,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, unemployment, discrimination from MMA and the RDC,Cheap Baseball Jerseys,  the burdens and high cost of crossing the Berbice River bridge, thieving,cheap nfl jerseys elite, dead squads and Piracy?”The crowd responded with a resounding “Yes”.Granger said that Berbice has a lot of wealth and the potential and again outlined how The APNU government will bring prosperity to the country.Granger also spoke on employment and education, which will be top priorities in his government. He assured that the amount of street children and school dropouts in Guyana, which is among the highest in these parts of the world, will be reduced significantly. He touched on security, the drug trade and piracy, outlining details of how an APNU led Government will put systems in place to address those sore areas.“It’s a shame and disgrace on a government which stated that it is working class. The only thing they know to do is work you for their gain and to full their pockets and try to use you.”Granger reminded the crowd of the Phantom squads that created havoc in Guyana, not too long ago.He mentioned the many other areas outlined in his party’s manifesto, in addition to policies and strategies on how APNU will lead Guyana when elected to government.“We are not ‘cussing down’ anybody. We are dealing with issues. We are not into gutter politics.   Everybody is now turning against the PPP and Bharrat Jagdeo and his cuss down policies and attitude, busing out the media without shame.”He then told the massive crowd, which was estimated at about 5000, that they have serious work to do over the next couple of days.The Brigadier encouraged the residents to wear something green for the rest of the days before elections to show their support for APNU. He urged the Berbicians “the first thing you must do on November 28th is Vote APNU then do anything else.”“This is the time when the PPP will be more desperate. This is the time when they will want to woo you into creating mischief. This is the time when they will want to stir up violence.”A fired up Dr Rupert Roopnarine in his address expressed his appreciation to West Berbicians for coming out in their numbers. He stated that the country is experiencing a sea of change.“All over Guyana, people disown the PPP, and come November 28th you will have that opportunity to join with the rest of the nation to vote those bandits out and vote in a clean APNU Government.”He stated that “you must reject these out-dated people who are dealing in corruption, drug trafficking, threatening national security and dealing in bad governance, and they must be stopped.  The PPP has destroyed and oppressed this country for 19 years and Donald sleeping for all that time and now want to wake up from his slumber. Poor Sam (Samuel Hinds) it has been 19 years of oppression for him. He is fed up of being a door mat, and come Election Day, he and Yvonne will be voting APNU. They have been conducting a campaign of Deception and Lies, a campaign of Bribery and Lies.” Roopnarine stated.“They talking about Granger,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Collins and Felix and are afraid of The ‘Military men’. They worried, but Suriname to the East has a military man name Bouterse as President,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, while Venezuela on the side has another Military man name Chavez as the president  So we in the center (Guyana) will be voting in a military man, a strong Military man name David Granger as the President.”Roopnarine in his address blasted the PPP for their deception and their misuse of the state resources for its election campaign.“They are right! We watching them and will be watching them up to Election Day. They are so thieving and so wicked that you must watch them.”“I suspect the water cannon that they brought in the other day was to be used to water the garden at Bharrat Jagdeo Pradoville mansion, but they got caught,” he added.He told the receptive crowd that the PPP is void of decency and the President and their Campaign has degenerated into a Cuss Down campaignRoopnarine outlined APNU’s plans to govern the country and some of the things they will do to reverse the curse of the PPP government and take Guyana on the road to success. He reminded the crowd to remember, “Don’t show Bharat one finger show him all five fingers because they lockup a lil boy for showing him one finger”.He urged them to be calm,Cheap Jerseys From China, but vigilant and go early Vote for An APNU government to set them free.Executive member of APNU and leader of the People’s National Congress Reform Robert Corbin was his dynamic self as he urged, encouraged and told the crowd why they should Vote for the APNU movement since they have the best team with the brightest sons in Guyana to run the country.He mentioned the many cases of discrimination that was perpetrated on the people of Guyana including the West Coast of Berbice.Corbin stated that the PPP is full of and deals with people of questionable characters in including Kwame Mc Koy, Roger Khan and Ed Amad.He stated that “Jagdeo can’t sue me because I am talking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.Also delivering fiery addresses were Businessman Ronald Bulkhan and Region 5 councillor Carol Joseph.

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