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發表於 2017-2-27 13:07:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) recently refurbished its operating theatre located in the maternity section to increase safe motherhood outcome. By this month-end the first surgery would be executed in the operating theatre.According to Sister June Cato,Cheap Chicago White sox Jersey Jerseys, Senior Department Supervisor,Cheap Miami Marlins Jersey Jerseys, following discussions on maternal deaths at the country’s tertiary hospital,Cheap St.Louis Cardinals Jersey Jerseys, it was decided that the maternity section should have its own operating theatre. This will aid the time factor that is needed in saving lives,Cheap Oakland Athletics Jersey Jerseys, she added.Cato emphasized that currently mothers who have to get cesarean section are operated on at the hospital’s main theatre, where other surgeries are done.The hospital also wants to enhance mothers’ comfort by reducing the occurrence of two persons per bed. Cato said that for the year mothers were not required to share a bed. She noted that the prenatal area has 27 beds and the postnatal area has 44 beds. For the year there was a 75 percent occupancy because of the strict monitoring of expectant mothers.She explained that mothers are screened by the doctor before admission. As such they are either sent home,Cheap Cleveland Indians Jersey Jerseys, to the labour room or to the maternity ward.In the case where babies are patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NCU) the mothers could leave the facility and visit their babies when necessary. This has reduced overcrowding in the postnatal department.For instance,Cheap Washington Nationals Jersey Jerseys, Amerindians referred from hinterland hospitals sometimes stay at the Amerindian Hostel maternity section and visit their babies in NCU.According to Cato, the postnatal and prenatal bed areas are being extended. She stated that by the end of the week construction works to remove the washrooms from both areas and attach them to the exterior of the buildings will be completed.It is anticipated that six beds will be added to the postnatal area. In the prenatal area there will be a prenatal ward,Cheap Pittsburgh Pirates Jersey Jerseys, labour ward and birthing room. The prenatal ward will provide accommodation for persons who have high blood pressure and diabetes and need to be monitored.

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