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發表於 2017-2-27 16:12:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh dismissed the case against Nikita Ramdehol, the parent of a Skeldon Primary School student, on Thursday at the Springlands Magistrate Court. It brought to an abrupt end a nearly two- year case that was being called at the court at least twice per month.Carmelita HackimTeacher Carmelita Hackim, 28,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, filed assault charges against the parent from Crabwood Creek last year June.Hackim claimed that Ramdehol had hit her on her arm and on her back at the school on January 19, 2012. Hackim was two months’ pregnant.The young teacher solicited the services of lawyer,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, Ryan Crawford, while the parent was represented by Mr. Adrian Anamayah.Hackim said that she was supervising a class when she “was confronted by the parent, Nikita Ramdehol, and she asked me if there was a problem– that I hit her nephew (name of child given).“I told her I did not,Cheap NFL Jerseys, that I only tapped the child on his shoulder for him to tell the other child ‘sorry’. She turned to me and asked me for a demonstration of how I dealt with her nephew”. The teacher said that she then tapped the woman on her shoulder to show her how she dealt with her nephew.“She turned and dealt me three blows in the arm,China Jerseys Authentic, severely…Then she asked how I would feel if she would have hit me like that. I told her I did not hit the child and she had just hit me.”As the teacher was turning to go back to her class, she was once more dealt another two blows to the back. “And I was near two months’ pregnant.” The teacher had provided this newspaper with a medical certificate showing a miscarriage. The parent had refuted all of the allegations.Minister of Education,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ms. Priya Manickchand, had summoned Hackim tell her story at the GTU Conference in New Amsterdam last year. The teacher received full support of the Minister that the perpetrator “should face the full force of the law”.After the case was dismissed,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a very dissatisfied Hackim left the court. “Is me alone going to court. I had no [GTU] Union rep and nobody would call or find out anything or say anything.”“I feel insulted because (the parent) has something to laugh about and we as teachers, we don’t have any value. This thing really took a toll on me…to go through all this and face all this and to just stand up and hear that the case was dismissed,” she complained.Hackim has since resigned from the teaching profession and has started her own play school in Corriverton. Efforts to contact GTU President,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mr. Colin Bynoe proved futile.

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