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發表於 2017-2-28 01:14:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Board of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) has been directed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment to review several of its systems which are in crucial need of improvement.This according to the Commission comes on the heels of numerous reports against it.Since those reports, the GGMC Board reported via a statement to the media last night that coupled with the recommendations of the Natural Resources Ministry it conducted a review of the Management Systems and practices for critical departments/divisions of the Commission.The exercise it said commenced in December 2014 and was aimed at reviewing the operations of the Mines Division, Land Management and Geological Services Divisions of the Commission to determine several things. These include: the coherence of the structures and functions,Wholesale Jerseys China, the adequacy of its staffing, the flow of its operations and to identify systemic problems and other conflicts and deficiencies.The team of consultants was also required to investigate whether the activities of the specific departments/divisions were aligned to the overall strategic plan for the sector.The Board said that the Commission was and still is cognizant that any deficiencies within the management framework and current practices,Cheap NFL Jerseys, can contribute to non-fulfillment of the Commission’s objectives,Cheap Jerseys USA, and can possibly lead to the presence or possibility of undesirable acts of malfeasance.In addition to identifying the potential gaps within the management system that could lead to unwanted practices, the team of consultants were also required to provide recommendations aimed at closing the loopholes.It said, “The Inception Report was submitted by the review team to the Chairman of the Board of Directors in February at which point it was then forwarded to the Board for review. The report provided insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the various departments along with areas of conflict that required specific intervention at the level of the policy makers.In this regard, on March 24,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, the consultants were invited to present the report officially to the Commission and stakeholders of the sector,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, namely, the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association and the Guyana Public Service Union.”At this presentation, the Commission’s Board said that serious gaps and deficiencies were highlighted along with clarifications on specific matters contained in the report. It said that areas of critical intervention were earmarked which would allow the Commission to serve the needs of the evolving mining sector.It was also agreed that the consultants would engage stakeholders over the next two weeks on finalizing the report which will provide input in the conclusion of GGMC’s Strategic Plan which is to be reviewed by the Board.Further, there were also some important recommendations made by the consultants for the consideration of the Commission. These include; the reformation of the mining laws and regulations to address “landlordism” and “beneficial-occupancy”, the upgrading of small scale properties to large scale properties, and restructuring of the Divisions of the Commission.

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