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發表於 2017-2-28 19:05:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Public Service Union is calling for the Government of Guyana to propose a timeline that does not extend beyond the end of November to resume determined and diligent negotiations on the remaining agenda items in the negotiating process.The GPSU is of the view that this must be done so as to remove the uncertainty which presently surrounds negotiations. In addition to this, the Union wants government to immediately and clearly address its position on the agreed mechanism for addressing the deadlocked negotiations on wages and salaries.The Union has taken notice that only a few weeks remain in 2016, and in an issued statement yesterday restated its “ongoing and mounting concern” over the failure of negotiations between itself and the government to bear any meaningful fruit in the various issues on the negotiating agenda.The 2016 wages and salaries increase offer made by the government has been rejected openly by the Union. As such,Ronnie Lott College Jersey, the Union has considered the pay-out made by the government in October,JuJu Smith-Schuster College Jersey, last, to be an interim measure.After rejecting this offer,Rey Maualuga USC Jersey, the GPSU had issued a call for the two parties to return to the negotiation table so as to give attention to unaddressed issues which include de-bunching,Brett Hundley UCLA Jersey, increments and other conditions of services for Public Servants.The Union said that it strongly believes that it is the expectation of public servants that “an appropriate mechanism to ensure the continuity of wages and salaries negotiations will be effected forthwith which will entail dealing with unfinished terms”.There have been exchanges of correspondence between the union and the government on the aforementioned issues over the past few weeks; however, the Union does not believe that the government is conferring the level of urgency and importance as it should on the highlighted matters.Based on the time which has elapsed since the start of negotiations,Taylor Mays USC Jersey, the Union is of the view that “much more should have been achieved by this time instead of an unreasonable and unacceptable wages and salaries offer”.“At this juncture,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar College Jersey, the GPSU wishes to make the point that it remains both disappointed and concerned over the fact that the government of Guyana’s negotiators do not appear to attach the deserving level of urgency to treating with the aforementioned issues in a fair and reasonable manner.”According to the Union, this reluctance to engage on these matters sends a message that might raise questions about the extent to which any serious value is placed on the contributions of public servants.As such,Kris Jenkins College Jersey, the Union posited that it should be made clear that it is not realistic to anticipate a qualitatively enhanced public service in circumstances where little corresponding attention is being paid to adequately incentivize public servants to rise to challenges that are being set them.

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