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Joe McKnight College Jersey …









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發表於 2017-2-28 23:29:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Kaieteur Falls mishapA team comprising soldiers,Josh Rosen College Jersey, colleagues and relatives of 46-year-old Michael Leslie, the porkknocker who was swept over the edge of Kaieteur Falls on November 29,Chris Paul Wake Forest Jersey, last, retrieved the body late yesterday afternoon.Michael LeslieThey then floated it down to Tukeit – about an hour’s walk away from the foot of the Falls. They were up to late yesterday afternoon said to be awaiting air transportation to bring it down to the city.Friends of the dead man said that he was last seen alive on November 29, paddling a canoe along the Potaro River with his dog en route to the Camp which was the base of his pork-knocking operations.He is believed to have encountered difficulties with his canoe about three quarters of a mile from the waterfalls.“He couldn’t swim,JuJu Smith-Schuster USC Jersey,” a friend said,Taylor Mays College Jersey, adding that it is believed that he drowned and his body was subsequently swept over the edge of the Falls by the force of the current.The porkknocker’s dog however survived,Lonzo Ball College Jersey, and it was the presence of the dog, which remained steadfast at a particular spot on the river bank,china nfl jerseys, that alerted searchers to where Leslie might have gone over the falls.The dog was spotted on Thursday but despite being persuaded to return to Camp,Cheap Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, it refused to budge.The searchers took a clue from the dog’s strange behaviour and on peering over the edge they spotted the body lying on the rocks at the bottom of the 741-foot drop.The Police at Mahdia were with the party that retrieved the body yesterday.This latest fatal incident at the world famous waterfalls revived memories of the suicide of 23-year-old,Kyle Lowry Villanova Jersey, Aliya Bulkan, who died after  plunging from the top of the towering Falls on Saturday November 9,Ronnie Lott USC Jersey, last.Her body was recovered but only after a hazardous operation by members of the Guyana Defence Force who traversed huge and slippery rocks and braved treacherous rapids at the bottom of the Falls.

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