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發表於 2017-2-28 23:40:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At a press conference held at the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI),Jim Rice Red Sox Jersey, Vlissengen Road and Church Street office in Georgetown, Chief Executive Officer, Dr Richard Van West Charles,Ben Revere Nationals Jersey, stated that in order to reduce customerFrom left: Revenue Manager, Malika Dowling, Commercial and Customer Retraction Services Manager, Marlon Daniels and CEO,Mark Trumbo Orioles Jersey, Richard Van West Charles.service response time,Justin Smoak Blue Jays Jersey, zoning will be implemented in the country.This exercise is being staged to reduce water losses.This is where contractors will be assigned in certain zoning areas, where members of that area will have the contractor’s contact number to communicate with them regarding water meter installation,John Lackey Cubs Jersey, repairing water leaks,Lou Brock Cardinals Jersey, reconnections and also disconnections, among other works. Van West Charles also said that having water leaks compromises the quality of the water.Customers will be able to call and reduce the response time when this initiative is implemented. Dr Van West Charles disclosed that an app will be put in place for customers. The final presentation for the zoning approach will be conducted today.The press conference also launched GWI Christmas promotion: “H2O Connect and Collect”. This allows people who are disconnected to have a chance to reconnect with waivers on flexible payment plans and no penalties.Also, reconnection fees for disconnections done before November are eligible for this promotion. There is also something in the promotion for those customers who have their accounts up to date. They have the opportunity to be rewarded with cash back. This promotion is from November 21 to December 24, 2016.Dr Van West Charles stated that as consumers are entering the fast approaching Christmas season, the one thing you cannot do without is water. Guyana is known for its cultural tradition of the over the top Christmas cleaning,Brandon Belt Giants Jersey, washing curtains, carpets, yards and cabinets to name a few.Also, families would be expecting visitors, so no one would want to be without water for the Christmas holidays. The promotion offers disconnected persons the opportunity to have a good Christmas with their family by clearing their accounts with GWI.Commercial and Customer Retraction Services Manager, Marlon Daniels, said that GWI has the right to provide good service for their customers and that they will waiver the standard reconnection fee which is GY$6000.Revenue Manager,Mike Shannon Cardinals Jersey, Malika Dowling,Scott Kazmir Dodgers Jersey, said that the penalty charges for illegal customers are $25,000 for domestic customers and $35,000 for non-domestic customers.

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