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Robert Woods College Jersey Pure Mathematics Unit 2









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-3-1 02:12:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It was a repeat performance for Cecil Cox of Queen’s College (QC) when the results of the 2015 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) were officially unveiled by the Ministry of Education yesterday.At a televised forum held at the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) in Kingston, the results were announced by Chief Education Officer (CEO), Mr Olato Sam, who named Cox as a top performer of CAPE.Cox secured passes in seven subject areas including: Communication Studies Unit 1, Applied Mathematics Unit 1, Chemistry Unit 2, Pure Mathematics Unit 2, Physics Unit 2,Bill Walton UCLA Jersey, Digital Media Unit 2 and Computer Science Unit 2. He secured six Grade Ones and 1 grade three respectively.The 18-year-old also secured CAPE passes in seven subject areas last year and he credits his success to “all the people who helped me.”The North East La Penitence resident said that he is excited about his performance and has plans to pursue studies in Computer Science at a tertiary institution overseas. In commenting on the recent announcement by Government that the two top CAPE performers would be eligible for scholarships at universities of their choosing, Cox said that “if it’s true I would certainly be pleased.”Also named as CAPE top performers this year are Larissa Wiltshire and Sasha Woodroffe, both of Queen’s College.Seventeen-year-old Wiltshire secured grade one passes in six subject areas:  Applied Mathematics Unit 1, Biology Unit 1,Rey Maualuga USC Jersey, Caribbean Studies Unit 1, Chemistry Unit 1,Troy Polamalu College Jersey, Environmental Science Unit 1 and Pure Mathematics Unit 1.“I am very happy; I feel excited,Ryan Boatright Uconn Jersey,” said Wiltshire as she disclosed that she had expected to do well. She credits her success to her teachers, both at school and lessons, as well as her family members.Her future, she anticipates, will see her continuing CAPE Unit 2 at QC before moving on to the University of the West Indies Mona campus to study Dentistry.Woodroffe on the other hand has plans to head to the University of the West Indies St Augustine campus in Trinidad,Adoree Jackson USC Jersey, in September, to commence studies in Actuarial Science.She was able to secure six grade one passes in the following subject areas: Accounting Unit 1,USC Trojans Jerseys, Accounting Unit 2, Communication Studies Unit 1, Applied Mathematics Unit 2,Reggie Miller UCLA Jersey, Economics Unit 2 and Pure Mathematics. The 18-year-old disclosed yesterday that her achievement was possible because of the support she gained from family members, teachers and “everyone else who helped and encouraged me.”Other top performers from QC include: Jonelle Europe, Elisa Hamilton, Lisa John, Sharmila Ramlall and Rejean Sawh. However,Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, securing a well deserved place among the top performing CAPE candidates is Shonta Noel of St Rose’s High. She claimed six grade one passes and one grade two pass in the subject areas of Caribbean Studies Unit 1, Tourism Unit 1, Accounting Unit 2, Law Unit 2, Management of Business Unit 2, Entrepreneurship Unit 2 and Economics Unit 2.Noel yesterday disclosed that she felt relieved when she was able to access her results earlier this week after waiting for months. The 19-year-old credits her success to God who she constantly prayed to,Kevin Love UCLA Jersey, her family members and her teachers. According to her “my teachers believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.”

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