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發表於 2017-3-1 03:47:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Fareeza HaniffThe police surgeon, Dr. Mahendra Chand,Kemba Walker Uconn Jersey, who treated the 14-year-old boy who was tortured while in custody, is still on the job, and is still being assigned his regular duties for the Guyana Police Force.This is according to Director of Medical and Professional Services Dr. Madan Rambaran,Bill Walton UCLA Jersey, who told Kaieteur News yesterday that this is the case since the investigations and recommendations by the Guyana Medical Council have not yet been completed.The Police surgeon and Government Medical Officer,Troy Polamalu College Jersey, Dr. Chand, had told Kaieteur News that a police officer had visited his home on October 29, 2009,Ronnie Lott College Jersey, and asked him to examine a prisoner at the Vreed-en-Hoop Station.The physician admitted to Kaieteur News during the interview that he never sought to ascertain the patient’s identity.Dr. Chand recounted that the prisoner was brought out from the lock-ups with his head concealed.“His head was covered and I thought that he was just another prisoner in a domestic matter who was brought in with injuries and that the police were trying to conceal his identity. I did not know who I was treating,” Dr. Chand had said.The now 15-year-old boy was brutally tortured by ranks at the Leonora Police Station, and was only taken to seek medical attention after this newspaper revealed a gruesome photograph of his burnt genitals.The teenager who was detained by detectives in late October was doused with a flammable liquid and set alight, which resulted in burns to his lower torso,Wholesale Jerseys, genitals and thighs. The doctor said that he examined the prisoner’s injuries, which amounted to first-degree burns and prescribed some antibiotic medication, including Silverdeen.He then advised that the prisoner be taken to a hospital for better medical attention.He stressed that at no time was he aware that he was treating a juvenile who had suffered torture at the hands of the police.“I did not know that the police had anything to do with the prisoner’s injuries,Marcus Allen College Jersey,” Dr. Chand had told reporters from this newspaper.The matter then reached the level of the Guyana Medical Council which commenced investigations into the matter and subsequently recommended that Dr. Chand be suspended for two months.Currently that recommendation is on the desk of the Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy who will now either reject or approve the recommendation.But Dr. Rambarran has proposed to the Guyana Medical Council that the physician be given “a stern warning” instead of being suspended.Dr. Rambarran also suggested that the physician undergo a course on medical ethics,Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, while acknowledging that the doctor’s performance “did not conform to the expected standards of ethical and professional practice”.

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