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發表於 2017-3-1 10:23:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has postponed an address he was set to deliver yesterday to the National Assembly on his country’s territorial claim of large parts of Guyana.Venezuelan President, Nicolás MaduroThe address will now be made on Tuesday at 10:00hrs in the House of Meetings of the Federal Legislative Palace,Patrik Berglund Jersey, a statement from the Venezuelan National Assembly said yesterday.The postponement was confirmed by the President of the Venezuelan Parliament, Diosdado Cabello.An El Universal online news report said that Maduro is seeking to state a position regarding a claim that the neighbouring country has with a large swath of Essequibo.Guyana has categorically stated that the matter has been settled more than a century ago.Venezuela is also claiming waters belonging to Guyana, and in which a number of foreign companies are drilling for oil.Recently,Patrick Sharp Jersey, US-owned ExxonMobil said that it had discovered significant evidence of oil following the drilling of a well offshore Guyana. It would be big news for Guyana which depends heavily on oil imports for its energy and other uses.Facing severe internal turmoil, food and other shortages,Martin Havlat Jersey, the claim by Maduro’s administration had widely been seen as whipping up support ahead of elections.On Tuesday, President Maduro reported on his attendance at the plenary session “to present the official position to defend the historical claim, the dispute over the Essequibo,Brandon Saad Jersey, and to seek national unity,Jack Eichel Team North America Jersey, to ask for support from across the country to face the challenge of Exxon Mobil” the state-run AVN reported.Maduro said that he will be seeking the support of civil society and the military to “defend our country,Christian Folin Jersey, our land,Tony Twist Jersey, our historical positions,” the El Universal report said.In late 2013,Marcel Goc Jersey, Venezuela’s gunships ejected an exploration ship from Guyana’s waters.Guyana has been selling rice and taking oil from Venezuela in a major deal for over five years now.A local delegation to be led by Minister of Finance Winston Jordan,Bobby Orr Jersey, is expected to visit Venezuela next week to explore the possibilities to continuing the rice and paddy shipments.A current agreement is expected to expire in October.

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