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Adoree Jackson College Jersey APNU









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發表於 2017-3-1 19:56:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Gary EleazarBrigadier (ret’d) David Arthur Granger,Cheap Villanova Wildcats Jerseys, formerly of the Guyana Defence Force,Brian Cushing USC Jersey, who campaigned in the run up to the last elections as Presidential Candidate for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) was yesterday elected and officially appointed to the Constitutional Office of Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition.Brig Granger was nominated by his colleague Dr Rupert Roopnaraine at a brief special sitting of the Assembly for non-governmental business presided over by Speaker Raphael Trotman.New Opposition Leader David GrangerGranger’s nomination was seconded by Dr George Norton. He was unopposed for the post of Opposition Leader.Following the declaration by the Speaker that Brig Granger is now the Opposition Leader,Chris Paul College Jersey, Trotman used the opportunity to point out that this is a historical moment in the Commonwealth and in the political history of Guyana in that Brig Granger can now be quipped Majority Leader.Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan in his congratulatory remarks to Brig Granger said that while his party concedes that there will be disagreements on some issues they will work with APNU in the interest of all of the people of Guyana and for their benefit.Basil Williams also offered congratulations on behalf of the People’s National Congress Reform which makes up the largest bloc in APNU.He offered his remarks also on behalf of Brig Granger’s predecessor Robert Corbin and said that they are confident that with the Brigadier at the helm of the Parliamentary Opposition their aspirations will be realized.Brig Granger thanked his parliamentary colleagues singling out Ramjattan’s utterances. He said that he was pleased to hear the “kind assurances of cooperation during the life of Tenth Parliament.”He told those present that APNU,USC Trojans Jerseys, under his leadership,Cheap NFL Jerseys, will go on to make the Tenth Parliament,Cheap Jerseys, “memorable in the political history of our country.”He reaffirmed his resolve to “bring about real change for the people of Guyana.”Brig Granger sought to remind those present in the House that the combined opposition constitutes the majority and that he wished to reiterated that his constitutional office mandates him to advance interest of not just who voted for APNU and the AFC but for all Guyanese “that depend on us to bring about real change.”He said that Guyana has witnessed the rebirth of a parliamentary democracy in the way it was meant to function and has returned to where the voice of the majority will be felt.Brig Granger reminded also that those elected to represent constituents’ on the House have a responsibility not only to those living in Guyana at present but to all posterity.The New Opposition Leader used the opportunity to announce also that the Office of the Leader of the Opposition will be located in a public place and not in a political headquarters.This move,Robert Woods College Jersey, he said,Junior Seau College Jersey, is to allow all and sundry to have equal access to the Office.He said that he sees the current dispensation of the Parliament as a move forward and reiterated his pledge to have an inclusionary democracy.Brig Granger takes over from Attorney at law Robert Corbin and has said that he will be using his office to the best of his abilities with support from the resources of the Parliament.In 2011 the Office of the Leader of the Opposition was allocated some $10M to assist with the functions associated with that constitutional position.

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