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Doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital have opted to delay the removal of a bullet which is still lodged in the abdomen of 18-month-old Travis Rudder Jr.Travis Rudder Jr. as he opened his eyes to visitors on Wednesday.They have already removed five bullets from the child’s body,Adam Jones Orioles Jersey, but according to medical sources,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the location of the remaining bullet has “made it technical” for practitioners to remove it.The child was shot six times – five times in the abdomen and once in his leg – when gunmen sprayed his father’s Nandy Park home with bullets last weekend.The child’s grandmother,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, Viola Marshall, said that the bullet has not made any movement, but her grandson is doing very well. She disclosed that the child,Baltimore Orioles Adam Jones Jersey, who is now known in many households as the ‘miracle baby’ is no longer wearing his oxygen mask and all lines and tubes have since been detached from him.“He ent got on any tube or so you know… the mask and so come off… thank God for Jesus,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, he ent got nothing on him” said Marshall, as she praised the Almighty for the child’s recovery.On Wednesday,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, the child had opened his eyes and began responding to visitors. He was very alert, as he showed efforts to reach up to his emotional grandmother, but he was restricted by restraints on his hands.Little Travis has attracted the attention of many and has even left strangers in an emotional state as they continue to follow his story.Just Wednesday a total stranger after visiting the child broke down into tears as she walked out the ICU. The woman who has a grandchild of the same age was moved by the courage the child portrayed as he continues to fight for his life.Meanwhile, the child’s mother Mawanza Gill was all smiles yesterday when Kaieteur News visited her bedside. She is recovering from gunshot wounds to both legs. She was shot seven times. Gill is lifted in her spirit with the belief that her son “is in God’s hands”.Gill and her family have expressed gratitude for the support and prayers they have been receiving.Gunmen firing semi-automatic pistols through a bedroom window pumped 12 bullets into Travis Rudder,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and several rounds into his wife and baby son, as they slept in their bedroom last Sunday morning.By the time the gunmen’s clips were empty, 26-year-old Rudder lay sprawled and lifeless on his bed; his son Travis Jr. was badly wounded, and his reputed wife Mawanza Gill, bleeding from gunshot wounds to both legs.

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