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Ryan Boatright College Jersey who spoke with this newspaper









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發表於 2017-3-2 01:29:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Quick action by two public-spirited citizens yesterday, led to the arrest of two men who robbed the Vreed-en-Hoop Cell Smart Digicel outlet.The series of events began to unfold at around 13:00 hours yesterday when two young men posing as customers calmly walked into the cellular phone outlet, enquiring about prices for phones. After carefully assessing the situation in the store – which at the time only had two female employees,Brian Cushing College Jersey, the men then launched their attack.A senior Digicel official,Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, who spoke with this newspaper,Wholesale Jerseys, said that one of the men whipped out a gun and ordered the two female employees into the back of the store where they duct-taped them.The men then proceed to empty the cash register and the glass cases where dozen of phones were on display. After taking all the valuables,Robert Woods College Jersey, the men then made a dash to a waiting AT 192 which was parked outside.Unfortunately for the gunmen, persons who were outside of the store noticed the commotion and realised that they had just committed a robbery. This newspaper was told that a man who was sitting in his car gave chase,Zach LaVine UCLA Jersey, while simultaneously contacting the Vreed-en-hoop police for assistance.The driver followed the gunmen’s car,Reggie Miller UCLA Jersey, but at some point two men exited the car and caught a route 32 minibus which was filled with passengers heading toward Parika. The car with the remaining gunmen managed to evade the chasing car but the men in the car continued to follow the minibus.While at Harlem,Taylor Mays College Jersey, some four miles away from the robbery scene, the chasing driver managed to overtake the minibus and turned his car across the road in the path of the minibus forcing it to stop. By this time the police were close by and two of the men were caught. No handgun was recovered.Reports are that the two men who were caught were nabbed with a quantity of cell phones valued some $300,Mark Sanchez College Jersey,000.No cash was recovered. The official from Digicel declined to comment on the amount of cash that was stolen but lamented on the fact that all outlets try at all times to keep minimal funds. He however noted that all the day’s sales were taken by the gunmen.Up to press time,Brett Hundley UCLA Jersey, the two men were still in police custody assisting with investigations. Charges are likely and the search continues for two of their associates.

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