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發表於 2017-3-2 02:05:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Starlite Drive-in location packed to capacity(By Alex Wayne)Promoters were estimating a crowd somewhere in the vicinity of 10,000, but they were totally taken back at the massive crowd that packed the Starlite Drive-in location to capacity for the 2009 Caribbean Soca/Chutney Mega Concert.The Clarity International Band was also officially launched at this event.At around 20:30 hrs the large compound was almost half filled with festive patrons, laughing hysterically at the lewd and hilarious jokes made by popular standup comedian, Kirk ‘Chow Pow’ Jardine, who at one stage sent the place absolutely wild as he tore off his shirt to demonstrate his ‘Portuguese Wine’. As he took the patrons to various heights of hilarious mirth, he soon made way for the moment anticipated by all – the launching of the Clarity International Band.A section of the festive crowd at Starlite Drive-inIf mention is to be made of this fact, uniformity was definitely one of the high points of band members, since their black suits and jumpers gave them quite an official look, and supported the notion that they were all ready for action.Around 21:35 hrs the crowd had increased dramatically, and the wild cheers and bantering could be heard from great distances around. Soon parking space for vehicles was sold out, and many had to contend with parking along the road shoulders.The Clarity Band members,Gaston Ramirez Uruguay Jersey, glamorously attired,Andres Guardado Mexico Jersey, came on stage and were well applauded by the audience. Chutney singer Mahendra Ramkellawan did the introductions, performing a brief composition to advertise the band’s versatility as each band member was made to perform a ‘sneak piece’ of his either vocal or instrumental act, much to the delight of the audience.Mahaica-based singer LT just took things from there and stormed the stage with several hot soca hits, even managing to get a sizeable section of the ‘chutney-anticipating’ audience to jiggle to the reverberating tempos. While he may have been good, none could surpass the sexy and sultry performance of China-based Nancy Osborne, who blazed the stage with her trademark soca hits: ‘Watch Me Waistline Go’,Juan Carlos Medina Mexico Jersey, ‘We Jamming’, and several others. Being very plump did not deter this song diva, who demonstrated in no uncertain terms that ‘big girls’ could be just as flexible and volcanic as their ‘sexy slim rivals’. Her gyrating was superb and it was quite a sight to watch her shake, tremble and roll her vivacious feminine curves.Together with LT, she unleashed a soca package inclusive of ‘Horn’,Gary Medel Chile Jersey, ‘Getting the Symptoms’ and a few others that had sections of the audience clamouring for more when they exited. Their reggae and dancehall renditions were equally great, reinforcing the fact that the new crossover band was capable of satisfying just about any ethnic gathering.Static electricity was sparking all over, and the Apex Dance Troupe did well when they added their classical Indian dancing flavours to the already exciting entertainment platter.Special lighting effects and manmade bubbles added true lustre to the event,Javier Aquino Mexico Jersey, which was excellently attended.Granny Fit sensation Ivelaw Campbell truly outdid himself this time around, demonstrating a hyperactive and very vigorous ‘granny’ who somersaulted, trembled and gyrated in such amusing fashion that the massive crowd went wild with laughter and applause. Hanging from various positions, from speaker boxes and from a wooden beam on the stage,Nicolas Castillo Chile Jersey, he exposed ‘a crazily stuffed bottom’ and ready lacy underwear, strewn and torn in many places. Of course,Emil Salomonsson Sweden Jersey, he did not forget to tear off his ‘lacy panties’ and spank unsuspecting patrons who were quite close to the stage, even hiding beneath his skirt the head of a woman who had somehow found her way onto the stage.Keyboard player Aaron Dasrat also demonstrated his male vocal supremacy, performing several Indian and English hit pieces that obviously had the females beaming in admiration.Canadian-based Prince Alli maybe chattered too much on stage, using up most of the 15 minutes allotted to him, thereby resulting in him singing only two of his favourite songs.Popular belly-dancer (now turned singer) Sandella Craig was smashing, combining her excellent dancing skills and new-found vocal talent to send volcanic excitement coursing especially through the male audience. Her ‘Chutney Fever’ hit home like a volcano, as well as ‘Motila’, ‘Bounce Up’ and the few others that she performed with sexy chutney fervour.She later returned in a sizzling, revealing red and gold costume to dance to the songs done by Ramkellawan, who performed with his usual ease and good showmanship.Chutney Queen Girlie Persaud did a few back-up pieces and performed a few other songs well. However, patrons in the audience felt her performance lacked the fire and thrill that surround Chutney showcases.Minus a few glitches, it can be safely said that the local lineup of the Clarity International Band is more than ready to take on just about any gig, regardless of its magnitude.The venue simply exploded when the sexy and very impressive Trinidadian ‘Sarika’ stormed the stage playing havoc with the male senses. One chutney-filled patron, who could not contain himself, plunged onto the stage and went into frenzied Chutney ministrations as the crowd cheered its appreciation.The somewhat petite performer truly packed a ‘walloping punch’, as could be heard in her powerful voice and seen in her onstage techniques. The men grappled with each other to touch her feet or grab her ankles as they worshipped her outright,Uruguay Jersey, almost swooning with delight.The roars of approval were deafening when Adesh Samaroo came onstage, beaming as he acknowledged the support of his many fans and followers. Though he spent over an hour on the stage, the fans were never bored as he kept unleashing one exciting hit after another. Ladies grabbed and pulled his legs,Jose Maria Gimenez Uruguay Jersey, and he had to fight for control to prevent himself falling over. Frenzied dancing broke out all over, as he belted out ‘Pass the Bottle’, ‘Rum Till I Die’, and many other popular selections. Two chutney-intoxicated lasses jumped onstage and engaged in a ‘chutney wine-down’ that had the audience screaming in wild abandon.Later, one of them even tried to put her foot on the singer’s shoulders.Adesh soon made way for the 2009 Chuntey Monarch, Rajesh Dubraj, who brought a satisfying simmer to things as he belted out some of his most rated hits that found favour with the jubilating crowd.When the curtains came down on the night’s event some time later, sweaty bodies bearing satisfied smiles were seen leaving the location, murmuring their contentment as they made their way home.

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