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發表於 2017-3-2 04:31:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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One Laptop Per family Project…— says project document The government could end up asking students to buy the laptops it will be distributing under the One Laptop Per Family Project (OLPF), while also asking them to perform community service, according to a document seen by Kaieteur News.Regarding the free distribution of the laptops, a February 4, 2010 Project Document states that free technology has not proven successful in most development efforts. And since the computer has real commercial value, students could be asked to buy it.“A computer that is more than a child’s learning tool has real commercial value. To instill that value in recipients we should consider requiring students to purchase their computer,” the document states.The document says that “the purchase of computers will have to be flexible so that all students have an opportunity to acquire a computer and not great a gap in access based on wealth.”Further, the OLPF project could request student labour.“Students’ labour could be put to use within their communities and schools on appropriate projects that would benefit all the members of the community. So while students are earning computers,St. Louis Cardinals Bob Gibson Jersey, communities are getting cleaner streets, parks and painted schools. There is no limit to what a community might set its youth to work on. This will have to be tailored to each community.”In addition,Cleveland Indians Trevor Bauer Jersey, according to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which recipients are required to sign on collecting the laptops, all adult users shall take part in and successfully complete “Community Engagement” to the project. The community service, intended to support social and community development,Boston Red Sox Allen Craig Jersey, will be managed through a facility managed by the government.“The community service is mandatory and will be considered as part consideration for the joint ownership of the laptop and the training program(me),” the MOU states.In addition,Cleveland Indians Abraham Almonte Jersey, where the laptop becomes lost or stolen while in possession of the user,Toronto Blue Jays Roy Halladay Jersey, the “primary user” would be responsible for its full replaced at the cost of US$400,Washington Nationals Bryce Harper Jersey, or alternatively, the government will determine if the user should do community service as repayment for the laptop.The “primary user” is defined as one or both adult parents who will be the custodian of the laptop and be responsible for its proper use. In cases where there is no adult parent, the eldest child of the family would be considered the “primary user.”In cases where the user would have performed community service for the period of time that is deemed mandatory by the MOU and decides that he no longer wishes to continue with the programme, he “shall be entitled to any compensation or remuneration for his service to the community.”Opposition Leader Robert Corbin this week called for the government to make publicly the project document for the One Laptop Per Family Project (OLPF).“When will President Jagdeo make available to the National Assembly and more importantly, to the people of Guyana the Official Project document?” Corbin asked at his party’s weekly press briefing.“Surely, the publication of an official document will avoid speculation,Washington Nationals Jonathan Papelbon Jersey, unless it is a deliberate effort by the Administration to hide certain aspects of the plan in the election period?”According to a Project Document, the use of commercial hardware will ensure general availability of equipment,Detroit Tigers Miguel Cabrera Jersey, the ability for users to upgrade their laptops,Toronto Blue Jays R.A. Dickey Jersey, add peripherals and a ready supply of parts and servicing within Guyana.“The ability to chose from a number of manufacturers will ensure price competition and availability of the latest technology,” the document states.The President recently released specifications for the laptops the government desires, and said an international tender process, starting with invitation for bids, will go out in a week’s time.

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