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After showing up at the Brickdam Police Station yesterday morning at 9:00 hours, as he was asked to, the leader of the Yoruba Singers band,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Eze Rockcliffe, said that he sat and waited in the station for more than an hour, without any word from police ranks. He was then asked to leave.Rockcliffe said that he left his mobile phone number with one of the sergeants at the police station, and asked them to contact him if they needed to speak with him.The man who has been behind the Yoruba Singers for some four decades said that he is unsure of what is going on,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, but made clear that he had reported to the police station at the required time.He added that he is still unsure whether the occurrences at the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union (CCWU) at Quamina and Waterloo Streets, on Friday last,Andrew Desjardins Jersey, will affect the performances of the Yoruba Singers.“We are still scheduled to perform at the CCWU this Friday,” said Rockcliffe.The Yoruba Singers band was performing at the CCWU when police ranks came into the building, ostensibly acting on a noise nuisance complaint,Wholesale Jerseys, and arrested Rockcliffe. While Rockcliffe has noted that the police arrived at approximately 20:40 hours on Friday night (January 2), he has also said that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, to his knowledge, music is permitted until midnight,Cheap NFL Jerseys, before it becomes a public nuisance.He claimed that the police ranks ‘chucked’ his wife, and handled him (Rockcliffe) roughly, as he was ‘thrown into the police vehicle.’ He claims that he was held at the Brickdam Police Station lock-ups for some three hours, before he was released on station bail with instructions to report back to the police station at 9:00 hours the next day (Saturday).The leader of the Yoruba Singers said this development was unfortunate,Baltimore Orioles Adam Jones Jersey, since he had been in the business of music for 38 years and had never experienced a situation like that before.The Yoruba Singers is one of Guyana’s oldest surviving bands. It still performs in and around the city, and makes overseas tours.

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