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Ronnie Lott USC Jersey …If that’s the case









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發表於 2017-3-2 07:57:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Tusika MartinThere is justification for the recent sacking of Transport and Harbours Department (T&HD) General Manager Karen Bowen, and Maritime Administration head, Ivor English,Reggie Miller UCLA Jersey, President Bharrat Jagdeo said yesterday.During a press conference at State House yesterday,Matt Leinart USC Jersey, the Head of State said that he intends to “get to the bottom” of the issue, but is yet to determine whether Works Minister Robeson Benn has the jurisdiction to carry out such procedures.He added that while he has not been approached to intervene in the matter,cheap nfl jerseys china, he understands the ‘anger’ of Minister Benn.The Transport and Harbours Department is a subvention agency, and,Troy Aikman College Jersey, according to President Jagdeo, every year it receives large sums of money from Government.“Their revenue is not sufficient to meet their cost, so every year they require a large subvention from the Government. They ran up huge fuel bills; one time it ran to over $100M, and we cleared it,” the Head of State said.According to Jagdeo, he has always heard from the T&HD that it does not have money to put in some basic things that are critical for navigation.“They are always short of funds, so when I was told that there was authority to spend $15M on the sports building and they spent $47M on it, I can see where the anger is coming from on the part of the minister.”The Head of State said that he cannot understand how it is that the department cannot generate money to do the things that are critical for its job, but instead can find $32M more than what was authorised to spend on a building for recreational purposes.“I have to examine whether the minister has the authority to sack,Kareem Abdul-Jabbar College Jersey,…If that’s the case, I would feel there is justification …not that the process would be the right one…so I will have to examine the process.”Last week,Mark Sanchez College Jersey, Minister Benn sacked General Manager Karen Bowen and Maritime Director Ivor English with immediate effect.According to reports, the minister is claiming that he had authorised that a sum of $15M be expended on the rehabilitation of the T&HD Sports Club,Bill Walton College Jersey, located at Thomas Lands, but the top officials instead allowed $47M to be utilised.The building was declared unsafe by the Guyana Fire Service some time ago, and rehabilitation works are currently ongoing.Subsequent to the sacking,Matt Barkley USC Jersey, the minister said that he had written letters and had called in the state auditors to undertake audits at the department, although he did not acknowledge that there was a fraud of any kind.English and Bowen concluded that Minister Benn overstepped his authority.They say that the decision to sack public servants should have come from the Public Service Commission.The minister said that any further discussions about the dismissed workers will be done at the appropriate time, once these discussions are believed to be relevant.Meanwhile,Josh Rosen UCLA Jersey, Claudette Rogers is currently acting in the capacity of Maritime Director and Kevin Trim as General Manager of the Transport and Harbours Department.

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