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Ryan Boatright Uconn Jersey Lance Corporal David Goodridge









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發表於 2017-3-2 07:59:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eighteen-year old Nalini Manikam and her 12-year old sister walked side by side up the court stairs, as they were being escorted by police officers to face a charge for allegedly murdering their father.Behind them were the boyfriend of the older sister,Lonzo Ball UCLA Jersey, 21-year-old Veeran Dias Lall, also known as Adam, and his friend taxi driver,Lonzo Ball College Jersey, Devon Browne, 23,Reggie Miller UCLA Jersey, of Crane, West Coast Demerara.The quartet was charged with the murder of 64-year-old Roger Manikam,Cheap Uconn Huskies Jerseys, whose body was discovered in a clump of bushes along the Coldingen Railway Embankment on Sunday.They arrived at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court, which is temporarily being housed at the pavilion of the Better Hope Community Centre Ground,  around 11:00 hours, under heavy police escort.As soon as curious onlookers realized that they were the accused in the highly-publicised murder,Brian Cushing College Jersey, camera phones were pulled out. Many jostled each other to capture the moment.It was the same with reporters, many of whom had travelled from the city to ensure that the story was covered.The charge was read to the quartet by Magistrate Zamilla Ally-Seepaul,cheap stitched jerseys, minutes after she had virtually emptied the court for the in-camera hearing due to the fact that a juvenile was involved.However,Cheap Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, curious onlookers and reporters peered through the open door and got a glimpse of the accused as they stood calmly in the prisoners’ dock. This led to the police ranks closing the door and ordering everyone downstairs,Robert Woods USC Jersey, and out of earshot.However, this newspaper understands that the magistrate gave the particulars of the charge which alleged that on April 3, they murdered Roger Manikram.The accused were not required to plead to the indictable charge and were remanded to prison until May 6.Police Prosecutor, Lance Corporal David Goodridge, who represented the state at yesterday’s first call-up,Cheap UCLA Bruins Jerseys, is expected to continue dealing with the matter when the actual preliminary inquiry commences.Relatives and friends of the deceased and the accused turned up at the court to witness the arraignment.At the end of the hearing, the bewildered-looking accused were escorted to a waiting police pick-up van and whisked away amidst flashing cameras. Shouts of  ‘stay strong’ were heard coming from relatives.

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