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發表於 2017-3-2 17:51:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“If he really want me back he got to bring back my child”— mother The mother of a four-year-old girl who mysteriously vanished six days ago says she will reunite with her lover only if she recovers her child.The woman believes that her lover may have knowledge of her child’s whereabouts and is begging him to help find her.Missing four-year-old Varsha Singh“My instinct is that he got the child,” the missing child’s mother,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, Parbattie Motieram, told Kaieteur News. The man was released on Friday after being held for three days but has not provided investigators with any clue of the child’s whereabouts.Four-year-old Varsha Singh mysteriously disappeared from her parents’ home at Leonora, West Coast Demerara in the wee hours of Monday morning.The family believes that the lover had taken the child while she was asleep and investigators have reportedly obtained a statement from a young eyewitness giving credence to that theory.Kaieteur News understands that the missing child’s six-year-old brother has given a statement in which he claimed he saw the man taking the child away early Monday morning before her parents were awake.Parbattie Motieram was living with the man at Meten-Meer-Zorg,cheap nfl jerseys china, West Coast Demerara and after encountering problems in the relationship, decided to reunite with her husband at Leonora.This angered her former lover and it was reported that he had issued several threats to get her to reconsider her decision to leave him.Motieram told this newspaper yesterday that the man had threatened to take the child away if she ever ended their relationship.The woman told a Probation Officer that the child, a student of Exe’s Nursery School, was given a cup of water before she retired to bed at around 23:00 hours on Sunday. Motieram said that she awoke at about 05:00 hours on Monday and discovered the child missing.She raised an alarm after she realised that an inner door to the entrance of the house was open. Neighbours and relatives launched a search but the child was not found.The matter was reported to the police and this newspaper understands that the child’s parents, Parbattie Motieram and Surujpaul Singh,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, were detained,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK, questioned and released on Wednesday.Motieram said that prior to her release,Baltimore Orioles Adam Jones Jersey, her former lover told detectives that he will help me find the child,Cheap Jerseys, however he has not been seen or heard from since Friday.She stated that her husband is distressed and everyone in the family has been searching day and night for little Varsha.“He tell the CID that he want me back. If he really want me back he got to bring back my child,” Moteiram said, though admitting that she will not be comfortable reuniting with her lover.She explained that her daughter is not feeling well since she has a skin infection and she has the medication to treat her in her possession.The family will resume the search for the missing child and their main hope is that she is still alive.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of little Varsha could contact 264-2457.

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