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發表於 2017-3-2 20:25:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Chairman of the Board of Directors at the New Building Society Dr Nanda Gopaul has moved to the courts seeking redress because of an article carried by this publication with comments attributed to Christopher Ram.Chartered Accountant,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, Christopher RamDr Gopaul is reportedly seeking in excess of $15M in libelous damages against Kaieteur News and Ram.The article attributed comments wherein Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, lashed out at Dr Gopaul, calling his remarks by him on a previous occasion a combination of unprofessionalism and misinformation.Ram yesterday said that he did not see the court documents but was prepared to deal with it when the time comes.The article in question was titled ‘NBS $800 Million contract manipulated to Dr Gopaul’s friend–Ram’According to Ram,Boston Red Sox Rick Porcello Jersey, during a recent interview with this newspaper,Victor Martinez Orioles Jersey, Dr Gopaul’s statements reek of a man drunk with power.Ram added also that Dr Gopaul now deems members who raise critical issues concerning the governance at the NBS, as antagonistic and seeking to exercise clout and influence.“I wonder if those accusations are perhaps not more appropriate to him than to any member of our group,Rougned Odor Rangers Jersey, many of whom have an unmatched record of service to the public.”Ram also said that Dr Gopaul did not need to stoop to making wild innuendoes about what he did,Chicago Cubs Jason Heyward Jersey, as the then Board did to the Society,Cleveland Indians Francisco Lindor Jersey, claiming possession of a plethora of evidence.Dr Gopaul, in a recent interview with this newspaper had said that Ram did not have the influence and clout that he spoke of at the Company’s Annual General Meeting.Dr Nanda GopaulDr Gopaul at the time had said that it was he who allowed Ram’s views to be heard and that he asked him to prepare the terms of reference to repatriate the UK investment.According to Dr Gopaul, Ram was creating a wrong perception,Joe Kocur Rangers Jersey, creating difficulties at the society. “When you want to work with people and you make an accommodation and allow them to make a contribution, they give the impression that they have scored a massive victory.”Dr Gopaul was adamant that there were no victories on the part of any group and he insisted that he would not allow the group in any way to take NBS into disrepute,Noah Syndergaard Mets Jersey, given that the society was doing a “wonderful job for people.”He said that if one were to do a survey on who benefits from NBS, one would quickly realise that it was the poor and downtrodden.The NBS Chairman was also adamant that NBS was not going to allow a minority group of about 15 persons out of 100,Shea Weber Canadiens Jersey,000 members to distract them.

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