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發表於 2017-3-2 20:28:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Testing for the Zika Virus will be done at local laboratories within the next three weeks. This disclosure was made by Minister of State,Matt Barkley USC Jersey, Mr. Joseph Harmon, yesterday, during this week’s post Cabinet press briefing at the Ministry of the Presidency.According to Harmon, Cabinet is aware that there are a number of reported Zika Virus infections in Guyana and has urged that every effort be made to address this state of affairs via the Ministry of Public Health.The Minister of State disclosed that during Tuesday’s sitting of Cabinet, Minister of Health,Toronto Blue Jays Tony Sanchez Jersey, Dr. George Norton,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, disclosed the Ministry’s approach to the general management of the virus. Particular focus, he noted,Robert Woods College Jersey, was given to measures in place to deal with the virus especially as it relates to pregnancy.“As it relates to reports over the last week or so that there have been two or three cases of the Zika Virus affecting women who would have delivered at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC),” said Harmon.Minister Norton had said that his Ministry has been monitoring two microcephalic births. Microcephaly is a condition that has been linked to recent outbreaks of Zika Virus which is characterised by babies being born with under-developed heads.In August the Public Health Ministry confirmed that four pregnant women were diagnosed with the Zika Virus. The virus is transmitted by Aedes-type mosquitoes which also transmit Chikungunya and dengue. There is no cure for the virus, but treatment is made available for the symptoms manifested. Symptoms can include fever,Chicago Cubs Jason Heyward Jersey, rash,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey UK, joint or muscle pain,Javier Hernandez Mexico Jersey, headache or conjunctivitis (pink eye) with microcephaly and the Guillian-Barre syndrome being among the more worrying resulting conditions linked to the virus. The Guillian-Barre syndrome impacts the body’s defence and is known to weaken the nervous system.Guyana has been depending exclusively on CARPHA to confirm suspected cases of the virus.One of the pregnant women diagnosed with the virus had suffered a miscarriage and at least one has given birth to a normal baby but is being monitored along with her baby.Reports,Morgan Rielly Team North America Jersey, however, suggested that a third woman had refused to avail herself for monitoring while a fourth was being closely monitored.Minister Norton during Cabinet this week revealed that his Ministry has in place a Plan of Action to tackle the virus. The objectives of the plan, Harmon said, include: early detection of foetus/infant infection; adequate post diagnostic management of mothers and children and reduction of the incidence of infection in pregnant women.Harmon announced that the Health Ministry has ongoing activities in relation to awareness, surveillance and reporting, training and the strengthening of health services to prevent and combat the Zika Virus infection generally.The Minister of State noted that at the recent Cabinet sitting a number of suggestions were made to bolster the Health Ministry’s Plan of Action including a campaign to sensitise the public,Jon Lester Cubs Jersey, especially expectant mothers, about the threat of the Zika Virus and the activation of the Ministry’s response.The Ministry of Public Health is also working in close collaboration with the Pan American Health Organisation/World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) to have the Zika virus as well as Chikungunya and Dengue Fever addressed in a holistic way.

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