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發表於 2017-3-2 21:16:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A group of seven children and one adult is expected to leave GuyanaThe Max Heart and Vascular Centre in Saket, Delhi where the patients will undergo open heart surgery.this coming Friday for India, where they will be undergoing various medical interventions.This is being facilitated by the Three Rivers Kids Foundation, a registered charitable organization based in Canada.Four children and the adult patient will be having open heart surgery to correct various forms of congenital heart defects, while one patient will be having brain surgery to remove a tumour.The other two children will be receiving treatment for kidney and skin problems.The youngsters who will benefit from the trip,Martin Campana Uruguay Jersey, are Mark Anthony Singh of Goed Fortuin,Kerim Mrabti Sweden Jersey, West Coast Demerara; Chandini Persaud of Parika, East Bank Essequibo; Tanisha Ali of Hope Lowlands, East Coast Demerara; Alvin Ramkumar of Best Village,Blank Sweden Soccer Jersey, West Coast Demerara; Anasazi Narain of Jibb Housing Scheme,Gerardo Flores Mexico Jersey, Essequibo; Tomaisha Samuels, Hopetown, West Coast Berbice and Kara Hardy of Vryhied’s Lust, East Coast Demerara.Unlike the others,Blank Mexico Jersey, this will be Alvin Ramkumar’s third trip to India. He has to undergo yearly follow up for a kidney problem. Meanwhile,Mexico Jersey, this is Kara Hardy’s second trip to India for a second open heart surgery.On their way to Delhi,Carlos Sanchez Uruguay Jersey, the group will spend two nights in Toronto, where they will attend a fundraising event before proceeding to India for their respective treatments.Jeannette Singh, the President of the Three Rivers Foundation,Jesus Manuel Corona Mexico Jersey, noted that there are some very complicated cases on this particular trip.Singh, who is also a Registered Nurse, will be accompanying the group to India from Canada.They will be under the care of Dr. Viresh Mahajan, a Paediatric Cardiologist.Since its inception in 2005,Marco Fabian Mexico Jersey, Guyanese patients have been benefiting from the Three Rivers Kids Foundation. To date, a total of 86 patients from Guyana have been given a new lease in life through the foundations’ initiatives.

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