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By Jenelle Carter Coming from a broken home is not something easy to deal with as a child. While some may see it as no big deal there are others who feel differently and carry that burden for a long time.As a teenager attending one of the most prestigious secondary schools in the country, 14-year-old Susan (name withheld) was dealing with a bitter separation between her parents.In finding a way to cope with the situation, Susan found herself in a group in which all the other girls were from broken homes.Before long she, like the others, was introduced to marijuana,Javier Guemez Mexico Jersey, and the trouble started there.Apart from using ‘ganja’ as she recalls, Susan began skipping school, using alcohol and doing every possible thing the average teenager exposed to negative peer pressure would do.As her years in secondary school quickly came to an end, Susan, who is now 42 and a mother of one, did manage to secure employment despite her addiction to ‘ganja’ and alcohol.The real dilemma started when Susan lost her childhood sweetheart and someone she called her best friend.“I left my job, I started taking on and I just watched as my life started to fall apart, so I left the country for awhile,Carlos Vela Mexico Jersey, but I held on to the ganja and alcohol.” Susan returned to Guyana and while struggling with her addiction to marijuana and alcohol she was introduced to cocaine.“Before I knew it was hooked,” she recounted.However, cognizant that she was pregnant with her first child, Susan came off of the cocaine because of her baby.But once the infant was past the breastfeeding stage she ran back to what seemed to her back then as her only comfort,Jose Pedro Fuenzalida Chile Jersey, cocaine.She began losing her family and more so her only child.“I just had to get this cocaine, and after a time my family wanted nothing to do with me so all I did was go to the house, take a bath and leave. I spent all my time on the road and I had no time with my child,” Susan recollected.Luckily, she said,Eduardo Vargas Chile Jersey, her child had a very devoted father and grandmother who both ensured the child’s wellbeing was a priority.As the years went by,Miguel Layun Mexico Jersey, Susan said she knew in her mind she wanted a different lifestyle but wasn’t sure how to begin finding that new path.As she struggled with her addiction she did manage to find friends at the Salvation Army Drug Rehabilitation Centre. She was soon attending meetings on reforming her life, but there were times her addiction got the best of her,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, and while being able to stay clean for a period, she would fall right back into the terrible habit.“I was always coming off of cocaine and then after a time I would end up back with the same friends and it was the same thing over and over again,” Susan said with some amount of remorse in her tone.Determined more than ever after feeling rejected by family and loved ones, Susan said she began enquiring about a rehabilitation facility for women, but at the time there was none.Fortunately for Susan it soon did materialize. The Ministry of Health established the Phoenix Drug Rehab Centre. But there were other issues.“I knew I wanted the change but I guess I wasn’t prepared for it so soon. I told my family I wasn’t ready to waste their money because the rehab programme is very expensive.”For Susan her impetus came about after meeting a friend who was incarcerated for a period and he managed to make a complete turnaround in his life.“I was surprised to see the change he made, and looking at him made me come to the realization that I too could make a change.”Susan said the friend took her into his home and she gradually began getting her act together.“He even contacted my family and informed them that I was ready for rehab and they were supportive and that’s where the recovery process started.“Even though I did agree, I still had doubts in my mind because somehow I was kind of fearful that I would not make it through rehab but my little faith in Christ is what gave me the courage.”As her road to recovery commenced, Susan related that it was a bit difficult moving into a home with other grown women from all walks of life.Susan said there were difficult times but once she made up her mind there was no turning back.“Before I knew it, it was like I had found a new family all together. I began to feel once again after 16 long years of being on cocaine, a sense of belonging, acceptance and love.”After six months in rehab elapsed, Susan said there was no point that she had had the urge to use cocaine nor was there a time that she wanted out, since her family started playing a major part in her life after witnessing her improvement.Now,Carlos Sanchez Uruguay Jersey, seven months after joining rehab, Susan is not there quite yet,Hugo Ayala Mexico Jersey, but she is thankful that she has not had the craving for a snort of cocaine.“I’m out of rehab at home with my family and clean for almost seven months. I enjoy being with my family, more so my child but I have a lot of work to do with her.”As it is now, Susan said her child is a bit resentful towards her but she fully understands why and is working on getting a better relationship with her child.“I know it’s not easy for my child and I understand because it would not be easy for any child to accept the fact that their parent is/was a drug addict.”Susan says that now that life is back on track she is also focused on starting a career but she has been advised to stay at home for a while and not to put herself in compromising situations.“I was always fond of traveling. I would want to start a career which entails a lot of traveling, but before that I will be furthering my studies,” the well-spoken Susan said.In the meantime, she enjoys spending time with her family but is very anxious about being able to help persons who are now in the position she was once in.“It is something I want to do. I want to help people but I can’t do that right now…I have to heal properly first, I just can’t run out there and say ‘hey people I am clean now, come join me’,Carlos Pena Mexico Jersey,” Susan said with a laugh.Only recently Susan completed her rehabilitation programme and her words of advice to other women who feels there is no hope for them are “there is life after drugs”.

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