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發表於 2017-3-2 23:41:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Jasodra Bahadur of Lot 18 Block CC,Matt Belisle Nationals Jersey, Mon Repos,Kirk Gibson Dodgers Jersey, East Coast Demerara, was yesterday handed a four-year jail sentence, when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.Jailed: Jasodra BahadurBahadur, 37, who currently has over 20 fraud charges pending in the court, was convicted for one of them when she appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman.She was found guilty of stealing $589,Edwin Encarnacion Blue Jays Jersey,659 from her employer, Mohamed Khan, on February 13,Yu Darvish Rangers Jersey, 2013 at Georgetown.Before handing down her sentencing the magistrate took into consideration all mitigating factors. She also read a scripture from the Bible to the defendant and told her that she acted against the trust of the commandments and her employer.The matter was prosecuted by Police Prosecutor Vishnu Hunte,Trevor Bauer Indians Jersey, who called several witnesses on the prosecution’s behalf.Bahadur appeared before the said Magistrate on April 9 and pleaded not guilty to four forgery charges. The charges alleged that between September and October 2014, at Georgetown,Carlos Santana Indians Jersey, with the intent to defraud, she forged four New Horizon Inc. bills, totaling $154,686, and purporting to show that same was issued by Roti Hut, as held over, knowing same to be false.She was also charged with four counts of fraudulent embezzlement. Particulars of those charges alleged that between August and October 2014, being employed as a clerk at New Horizon Inc., she fraudulently embezzled over $192,986.Four charges were also read to her for uttering a forged document. The allegations alleged that between September and October 2014, at Georgetown, with intent to defraud, Bahadur uttered to an accountant at the New Guyana Inc., four bills, all totaling 170,Nomar Garciaparra Red Sox Jersey,891, knowing same to be forged.When Bahadur appeared in court for those charges, her attorney Latchmie Rahamat asked that she be released on bail,Ike Davis Rangers Jersey, because the offences were bailable. However, Bahadur appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman and Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry on several occasions for the allegations, and was always denied pre- trial liberty.The lawyer stated too, that her client poses no risk of flight, since she has a fixed place of abode at the aforementioned address.Further, she opined that Bahadur is innocent until proven guilty by the court.The convict also made several appearances before Police Prosecutors, Deniro Jones and Bharrat Mangru. They always opposed of her being released on bail, because investigations are still ongoing and other charges of a similar nature are expected to be instituted. They also objected to bail,Mike Matheny Cardinals Jersey, citing the gravity and penalty attached to these offences. Both prosecutors argued that the woman is a repeat offender and has committed such acts on several other businesses.Bahadur will make another court appearance later this month for the commencement of trials into the pending matters.

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