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發表於 2017-3-3 08:45:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Despite the zero tolerance on domestic violence,Kemba Walker College Jersey, a police woman refused to give evidence against her fiancé in order to preserve her imminent wedding day.Magistrate Fabayo Azore read the assault charge to Michael Chester, 34, yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court,Cheap Villanova Wildcats Jerseys, the particulars of which stated that on July 28, at North Ruimveldt,Uconn Huskies Jerseys, he unlawfully assaulted Onika Humphrey, causing her actual bodily harm.The defendant pleaded not guilty and before Magistrate Azore could utter another word, an emotional Humphrey, with tears settled in her eyes, begged the court not to proceed with the matter.“Your worship, I don’t want to go forward with the matter. I love him,” she said.Magistrate Azore, after hearing the woman’s plea, requested to hear the facts of the case.Court documents revealed that on the said date, the Defendant and the Complainant,Zach LaVine College Jersey, who have a child together,Matt Barkley USC Jersey, were having a conversation in their yard at 2491 Ozama Street, North Ruimveldt, when Humphrey asked her fiancé for her car keys to go somewhere.The man became annoyed after she did not supply him with a plausible reason for her wanting to leave. He proceeded to punch the police woman several times to the face, slapped her around then held her by the hair and dragged her into the yard.A medical report revealed that the 25-year-old sustained injuries to the upper and lower back, neck, cheeks and lips, and suffered severe bleeding to the nose.Upon hearing this,Ryan Arcidiacono Villanova Jersey, Magistrate Azore then asked,O.J. Simpson College Jersey, “After all this, you still don’t want to give evidence?”Humphrey then replied, “Your worship, I love him and he said he is sorry. He wants to work on the relationship and we are getting married next month.”Her response sent the entire court room into whisperings as many onlookers suggested that the couple definitely needs counseling or to be placed on a bond to keep the peace. However, none of these options were laid before the couple.Magistrate Azore dismissed the case based on no evidence being submitted by the victim. Meanwhile, Humphrey walked out arm in arm with her fiancé who kissed her on the forehead to which she smiled and responded, “I love you.”

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