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發表於 2017-3-3 11:12:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There is no record showing that Charles Clarke,David Clarkson Jersey, for whom a wanted bulletin was issued on Tuesday, ever left the country since his return to Guyana in March.A police press release indicated that checks were made at the Central Immigration and Passport Office which revealed that Clarke left Guyana on November 10,Connor McDavid Team North America Jersey, 2008 and returned to the country on March 31, 2009.It was further stated that there are no records showing that Clarke left the country after his return. The police noted that Clarke is wanted for questioning in relation to a series of criminal activities conducted by a group of armed men on November 04, 2009, which included murder,CM Punk Jersey, robbery and setting fire to public buildings.The force stressed that under the law it is an offence to harbour a wanted person.Meanwhile another suspect whose photo was published as wanted turned himself in with a lawyer yesterday. Troy Ellis,Patrick Sharp Jersey, 33,Brent Seabrook Jersey, of Yarrowkabra Linden/Soesdyke Highway,Charlie Coyle Jersey, walked into the Brickdam Police Station accompanied with his lawyer attorney at law Donella Hawke. He is now in custody. The police had originally provided the name Trevor Archer in their bulletin.Troy Archer also known as Troy EllisWhen this newspaper contacted the relatives of Charles Clarke they said that they were standing by their story because Clarke was never in the country. The relatives went on record stating that he was not in the country when the crimes were committed. His mother Lorraine Clarke said that her son has been living in neighbouring French Guiana for the past year. She had explained that her son left these shores October 2008 for Trinidad.Mrs. Clarke explained that he only returned to Guyana because his extension had expired. She said that her son then left for French Guiana,Alex Pietrangelo Jersey, last May. Clarke said that the now wanted man is employed as a construction worker with his cousin, Shawn Adams, the brother of Fire Chief Marlon Gentle.She posited that if the Guyana Police Force had efficiently done their job they would have known that her son was not living in Guyana and they would have never published his photograph. “If the police would sit and properly assess their evidence they would know that my son wasn’t in Guyana when the Ministry of Health went up in flames,J. T. Miller Team North America Jersey, nor was he in the country when the gunmen created havoc in the city recently.”Crime Chief Seelall Persaud had said that Charles’s mother has no way of knowing that her son is indeed out of Guyana. He said that in a number of countries there are no records of people either leaving or entering the country.The Crime Chief cited one case; he said that during the crime spree when prison escapee Dale Moore was killed a body was found in the cemetery. The body was identified as Mark Singh. Singh’s father had no knowledge that he was in Guyana, stating that his son was supposed to be in the USA.On November 4,Brandon Saad Team North America Jersey, a gang of heavily armed men created havoc in the city. The men attempted to burn down the High Court and Richard Ishmael Secondary School. They then turned their eyes on the Brickdam Police Station and East Ruimveldt Police Outpost. Two policemen were shot when the gunmen struck at Brickdam. The gunmen also kidnapped Ministry of Health arson suspect Clayton Westford, he was beaten but he managed to escape. The gunmen also killed a miner and torched a pick-up van. No arrests have been made.

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