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發表於 2017-3-3 18:28:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The relatives of 71-year-old Sohodra Ramkarran although saddened by her passing,Kyle Lowry Villanova Jersey, are able to breathe a sigh of relief since a Post Mortem (PM) examination has revealed that she died from heart related complications.Mr. Ramkarran and his now dead wife Sohodra Ramkarran.A relative of the woman said that a doctor explained that the woman’s demise was due to heart failure and blockage of the artery.There were suspicions that the woman’s demise was caused by the hands of her spouse of 50 years, Mr. Ramkarran. He was taken into police custody after the lifeless body of his wife was found in a locked bedroom situated in the bottom flat of their Lot 4 Zeelugt,Josh Hart Villanova Jersey, East Bank Essequibo home Tuesday morning. A police rank confirmed that he was released yesterday afternoon following the completion of the PM examination.Relatives as well as several in the neighbourhood were suspicious that the woman met her demise at the hands of her husband.Liloutie Parsram, the dead woman’s grand-daughter, although not convinced that the death was sinister, had told this publication that there were some suspicious marks on her grandmother’s body.She’d related too, that her grandmother’s already stiff body was found lying on the floor of the bedroom. “She been lying down on she back on the ground…she face was blackish, bluish and she foot part had some blood. I couldn’t really watch so I don’t know if she had any injury. She had varicose vein and I don’t know if any coulda burst or something like that,” Parsram had noted.Parsram,Cheap Wake Forest Demon Deacons Jerseys, who lives a short distance away from her grandparent’s home ,Matt Barkley College Jersey, said that she first got word of her grandmother’s death when a neighbour telephoned her Tuesday morning.The woman revealed that the bedroom in which her grandmother’s body was found, was one that the elderly couple would usually share.But according to the young woman, her grandfather said that since Monday evening his wife had locked herself in the bedroom because they had an argument earlier.Parsram said that her grandfather related that earlier in the day he travelled to Georgetown to do some business. It was upon his return home that he and his wife had the argument. Before Ramkarran’s arrival home, though his wife had reportedly started to prepare dinner, but because of the argument she decided to imbibe alcohol instead.“The roti done knead and the fish done cut up and left right there,” said Parsram who recalled seeing the uncooked food in the kitchen Tuesday morning.“Grandfather claimed that after he quarrel on she,Ryan Boatright College Jersey, she went into the room (located in the bottom flat) and she just lock she self in there,” said Parsram,cheap authentic jerseys, who pointed out that a wall separates the bedroom from the kitchen,JuJu Smith-Schuster USC Jersey, and that it could only be locked from the inside.The couple would sometimes imbibe alcohol together and would from time to time get into arguments, Parsram related.But according to the woman, her grandfather insisted that he didn’t consume alcohol Monday.Parsram said that her grandfather related that when he attempted to access the room Monday night it was still locked which led him to believe that his wife had fallen asleep.As such, he claimed that he decided to sleep upstairs instead.The woman was found dead by her husband and a male neighbour the following day in the bedroom. She was reportedly leaning against a window but was placed in a lying position by her husband.Sohodra Ramkarran was the mother of five, three of whom are deceased.

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