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發表於 2017-3-3 20:18:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Sonia Noel pulls off steaming ‘Out of the Blue’ Affair Sonia Noel (far right) poses with some of the fashion gurus who attended the event. One has to admit that veteran designer,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, Sonia Noel, has really stretched her imagination and creativity this year and has come of with some entertainment concepts so dazzling,wholesale jerseys china, that many cannot help but be awed.This year around, through her exploits the Guyana Model Search lineup is very impressive as was observed by the stunning models that graced the poolside on Friday night when the designer hosted her ‘Out of the Blue’ Affair.The highpoints of this event however was centered on the display of Olympia Small-Sonoram’s startling ‘Blue’ swimwear line that left jaws dropping in several instances.Contestants of the Guyana Model Search 2009 strutted swimwear ranging from subtle to daring,NFL Jerseys Supply, provocative to alluring,cheap nfl jerseys, and from body hugging and revealing, right onto the edge of ‘fashion insanity’.The queen of fashion, Sonia Noel,cheap nfl jerseys online, was there, and was of course mingling and interacting quite freely with all present at the venue.The models themselves created an almost electric atmosphere as they strutted and sashayed in attire that highlighted their intense sensuality.The male models were not bad. Some definitely lacked that on ‘stage attitude’ and liquid, raw charisma reserved for the runway.Most of the ladies outshone them by far, flaunting superb physiques and feminine curves that truly must have played havoc with the male senses.Many decked out in their best attire but it was our own Alex Wayne sporting a smart blue designer suit,cheap nfl jerseys china, matching shoes,wholesale jerseys, white knitted shirt and silk tie that won the prize for the ‘Best Blue Outfit’.He would be given the luxury of picking an outfit of his choice to attend the ‘Glamorous Finale’.Eliminations are ongoing and only six males and six females will battle for supremacy at up coming events and at the finals set for Princess Buddies Hotel on July 12.Sonia Noel,  the competition coordinator, said that the selection for the girls and aspiring designers were very difficult but noted that in a matter of days the lot will under go several various workshops and training sessions to enhance their presentations.She promises lots of excitement leading up to the finals slated for which will feature local and overseas artistes entertaining.The television shows are slated to be broadcast on NCN channel 11 and HJ TV as well as on TTS Bartica and via the Caribbean Broadcasting Networks and public involvement, is guaranteed through online voting and texting.

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